Fighting Familiar Foes

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The two groups faced each other down with great fearlessness. Even with their bravery, the teens couldn't help but feel the uneasiness the two entities brought with them to the atmosphere. They're just so creepy. The yellow-eyed entity looked upon them with a look of sadistic joy, clearly hoping for some sick fun before taking the crystal shard from their cold, dead hands. The red-eyed entity, unlike his unhinged brother, was only concerned with getting the mission done. All he hoped is that Raptor didn't cause a huge mess whilst getting the shards the teens collected. A long, uncertain silence goes by before Jayden speaks up for the group, knowing all too well what's about to come.
"Hello," Jayden said in an attempt for a decent conversation.
"Hello," Silencer speaks back to the blue hooded young man.
"What's up, Mr... What's your name?"
"My name's Silencer and this is Raptor," Silencer said whilst gesturing to his brother.
"It's a pleasure to meet you all," Raptor said with a bow. Jayden, although knowing who they are, tries to hold onto the conversation as to try and negotiate with them.
"Well, I'm Jayden. This is my team." Despite their uneasiness, the team complied with introducing themselves.
"Name's Ashley."
"Shadow Bird."
"I'm Asori, Mr. Silencer, and Raptor." Asori couldn't believe this. After all, these guys practically looked like real-life Sith Lords. The black robes, weird eyes, obvious evil intentions, and just all around darkness felt within them.
"Please, kiddo. Just call us by our names. We're only two people." Raptor comments with a dark chuckle. Asori's blood nearly turned to ice as those words left the unhinged one's mouth. Deciding that he's had enough of this stalling, Silencer cuts to the chase.
"You five must be Starsis' lackeys, correct?" Silencer asked sternly.
"Yep. And, you guys must be Evilkin's lackeys, correct?" Ashley inquires with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
"Yes. And I assume you know what we want?" Silencer retorts. The team glanced at each other for a moment or two before looking back at the two dark entities. These guys may be scary, but they're still two guys. They can take them.
"Yeah, and judging by your guys' obvious evil intentions, you can hit the road," Ashley spat. Silencer wasn't impressed, obviously, and continued to try getting the shards from the teens through words.
"Ohh, very funny. Too bad that's not what we're going to do. So, if all of you wish to live, you'd be wise to give us the shards right now," Silencer sternly demands.
"And, trust us," Raptor said whilst he and Silencer formed their sickles and hammer from their dark aura.
"We'll make your deaths very painful," Raptor said after a chuckle. Every one of the teens' faces grew serious immediately upon those threats. The multiverse is at stake, and these guys are only an obstacle they need to remove. Jayden grabs his sword from the backpack while Asori summons her swords, Ashley gets into her southpaw fighting position, Aubrey stands in a kickboxing position and Shadow Bird stands strong with his taekwondo stance after setting the backpack down on the ground. A huge pause passes in the atmosphere before the two dark brothers walk towards the teens. The teens, not wasting any time, walk towards the two dark entities. Asori was still afraid. She's never been in this scenario before. Sure, she's fenced against others before, but these guys were literal entities of darkness. But, she hid it for the sake of her new team. Even Shadow Bird felt the same, but he too hid his fear with his strong-willed frown and stature. The two groups stared down at each other once again once they were five feet apart.
"Look, you guys don't have to do this. Is this what you really wanna do?" Jayden asked, hoping for humanity that was locked in their dark hearts. Sadly, one of the brothers answered his hopes intending to kill him.
"Trust me, kid. We wanna do this," Raptor said with great joy in his voice. Raptor then takes a stab at Jayden only for the blue hooded boy to slash the sickle away, backing away from the two entities and giving a swift jump kick to Raptor's face. Aubrey took this as an opportunity to knee the psycho in the face. That starts the fight right then and there. Aubrey and Jayden advance on the maniac while Shadow Bird, Asori, and Ashley fight the hammer man. The red-eyed warrior ruthlessly attacks the teens through his heavy hammer swings which are countered by Asori's elegant fencing. Her adept agileness helped the black haired teen avoid each attack, the same being said for Ashley and Shadow Bird. Shadow Bird uses a few punches and kicks to counter the man's occasional swings to the face. But, they weren't enough to counter his superior strength, this being apparent to Shadow Bird after being punched in the gut very hard. This made Shadow Bird fall to the ground and cough up blood. Before Silencer can finish Shadow Bird, Ashley and Asori jump in front of the entity and kick him square in the face. Silencer dropped his hammer, grabbed the girls, and slammed them together, throwing them to the side. Jayden and Aubrey do their best against the maniac that was Raptor. Jayden's swordplay, while impressive to Raptor, wasn't enough to stand the overwhelming onslaught of slashes and punches. Raptor, while he did have one of his sickles stolen by Aubrey, swiftly gives Jayden's eye a right hook followed up by him kicking Jayden away from the fight. Aubrey used her super-speed to at least try and catch this maniac off guard. Sadly, because she was only a blue belt in kickboxing, and this man was clearly more experienced in fighting those in the way of his warpaths, Aubrey was quickly knocked back as well. Both teens quickly staggered back to their feet as they didn't want this monster to win. Shadow Bird, Ashley, and Aubrey also got back up after falling. A few blasts of energy came here and there from the two evil entities only for them to be answered by Ashley and Asori blasting fire and energy balls at the attacks. The residents of Fic-City both looked on at the scene and even recorded the fight. Others, on the other hand, ran to get the police to protect these kids. The teens try their best to keep the fight away from the innocents, but the entities were clearly getting the upper hand. Jayden's gut, like Shadow Bird's, received a powerful punch, making himself cough up blood. Aubrey's face received a roundhouse kick as she rushed to try and help Jayden. Ashley found her body slammed onto the group whilst fighting Silencer. Silencer then kneed, headbutted, and threw Shadow Bird to the ground when he attempted to save his teammate. The two entities were impressed. These teens really showed they could really put up a fight. The crowds present were completely shell shocked. These kids. These young, poor kids. These two men were crazy. They could've killed those kids. The five teens barely manage to get back up. The team looked horrible. They all had blood running down their faces, Jayden and Ashley had black eyes, all five teens were shaking as they stood, and Asori was nearly losing consciousness.
  "So, you kids still got some fight in you?" Raptor taunts. Silencer then added his colorful comments into the conversation.
   "We've killed many such as yourselves. However, somehow, you've proven yourselves much stronger and faster than our victims."
"But, because you guys are in our way, we'll take both your lives and the shards now." Raptor, one of his sickles in hand, walked up to the team, Silencer going to the bag Shadow Bird dropped. However, a sudden bolt of energy stuck Raptor's back, making him howl not with laughter, but pain.
  "FREEZE!" The entire group turned to see the police standing there, Lieutenant Carter being the one who pulled the trigger. Raptor could barely get up after being shot and Silencer, consumed by the love he has for his brother, ran to him.
  "Raptor!" The stern entity's face grew worried beyond mere words. Raptor had been gravely injured by the blast, and right now is not the time for the shards. The two looked toward the cops who had their guns locked directly on the two entities.
   "Put your hands behind your head, both of you!" The police commissioner barked. Not fearing this man, the two used what power they had to leave the place. The police, although shocked and angry they couldn't apprehend them, immediately went to the kids to try and get them medical attention. Asori, guilt, and exhaustion ridden all over her face, felt her body collapse to the floor. Her eyes closed right then and there as Ashley tried to get to her teammate. This only led to herself grunting in pain and being held up by two officers. Darkness soon took the entire team as they all passed out.

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