Teams Take Time

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          The giggling parlor with the team ceases when they're now seen circled their bedroom in hopes to talk about their game plan.
          "So, what do you think we should do guys?" Asked the positive yellow girl.
           "Well, I think we should get up early in the morning. Anyone have any suggestions?" Jayden inquires calmly. It didn't last long before Asori entered her opinion in the dropbox of decision making.
           "I vote five in the morning."
             "Why five?" Ashley said, her body and mind just begging to go to sleep.
             "Well, the earlier we get up, the better we'll have a chance at stopping the bad guys from getting the shards," Asori explains.
             "Dude, I'm pretty sure even bad guys need sleep." Ashley felt the impatience grow inside her, but she fights to keep it contained. She'd only become "that bitch" again.
             "What about 7:30?" Shadow Bird suggests, his words being supported by Jayden's and Aubrey's encouragement.
             "That sounds like a good idea."
             "Agreed. Plus, Ashley has a point. I'm sure even those guys need sleep too."
             "Well, what if that's not how these guys work? I mean, that Evilkin guy is the literal entity of darkness. And-" Ashley tried to hold it together, but she just couldn't. Why can't this girl see past her fangirling for God's sake?!
             "Maybe you need to quit relying on Star Wars to understand people!" The team is left shocked beyond words at Ashley's unfair outburst. Even Ashley realized how uncalled it was for her to lash out at Asori. This outburst makes Ashley's guilt build-up ever higher. Asori too felt guilty regarding her opinion. So, she felt the need to apologize.
              "I-I'm sorry," Asori said, her stuttering just a little bit. Sadly, because of her rage and regret, Ashley can't stand down.
              "Don't be sorry, Asori! Just maybe consider everyone getting their stuff together before you!" Now, what the hell was she doing? She promised herself to never be that asshole again, and she's going back on it all because she didn't get enough sleep these past two days. She wanted to stop. She wanted to shut up so that Asori could get a say in. But, a part of her just didn't care. She needed a punching bag for all the shit she's gone through this past month, yet she knew it's her own fault.
              "Oh, but you probably don't care since you're only concerned about doing this mission! After all, you probably think you're some Jedi because of those powers of yours, don't you?! You're no Jedi, Asori, and you sure as hell will never be! So, why don't you stop being a-"
             "I said I was sorry, douchebag!" Asori nearly screamed. Ashley immediately shut up at that point, her face copying the deeply shocked expressions of everyone else. Asori had just gotten away from the bastard who controlled her life, and she didn't want to deal with another entitled, egotistical dirtbag making her feel like shit.
          "I'm sorry I care about us staying alive! Do you want the multiverse to come to an end, Ashley?!" Asori's rage burned throughout the room. This was obvious through everyone's shocked reactions. Something had obviously snapped within her psyche. That was obviously the chain that held onto her patience, and her tolerance for taking this mistreatment. She didn't want this again. No, she'll never take this behavior again! This goes for Ashley as well regarding the bullshit she's been dealing with her entire life.
           "No, but how about we get enough sleep for tonight?! That way, we're ready to fight them without being sleep deprived! Do you want all of us dying on your hands?!" Roared Ashley. Asori and Ashley angrily stood to face each other, both girls obviously on the verge of fighting. The rest of the group is left without a clue on how to solve this problem. Were they really gonna have to break up a fight even after they just got comfortable with each other? Aubrey couldn't help but feel fear coursing through her veins. She's been here before, and she hates it. The screaming, breaking things, bloody fighting, and broken bonds. Shadow Bird hated this too, for he too had been wounded by those factors.  Jayden, out of all of them, felt fear, and another emotion. Anger. Frustration towards his teammates for not getting along, annoyance that this started from deciding when the team should get up, resentment at a particular girl who betrayed him, and rage toward two people who made his life absolute hell. That was it. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Jayden, summoning whatever control was inside him, rushed in between the two, his hands in front of Ashley and Asori in a very stern manner. Their rage immediately ceased the minute Jayden stopped their verbal scuffle. Everyone looked on as Jayden took threatening glances at them as a means to scare the anger away. Shadow Bird and Aubrey stood up, silently preparing if they needed to step in. Lowering his head down, the blue hooded teen takes a deep breath before speaking his mind.
       "Asori, go outside and calm down," The young man said in a serious tone. Asori and the others were stunned by this move, but Jayden didn't care. He needed everyone to realize this was no time for bickering. For if they don't get their shit together, they'll be the most dangerous roadblock on this journey. Asori, her pent up anger having faded after letting it out, left the room without a second thought. Jayden then takes another deep breath before speaking more calmly to his new teammates.
       "Ashley, go look for her and apologize after you cool off." Ashley stands there in utter shame as she nods her head at Jayden. She'd really done it this time. She promised herself to be better than the asshole she was in high school. But, she just had to get pissy over this crap. She's tired right now, but that's no excuse for her verbally bankrupt actions. Aubrey's core was completely shaken. She'd been in these messes before, and they're not a fun experience by any means. Sadly, Jayden's probably been in this situation many times as well. Shadow Bird is greatly impressed, on the other hand, regarding Jayden's ability to take control of these types of situations so quickly and efficiently. But, he hid this with his sad, but understanding stance.
      "We're getting up at 7:30. No later, no earlier," Jayden says with his arms crossed. No one said a word to counter his order. Ashley especially doesn't question Jayden as she knows she and Asori are in the wrong. Speaking of Asori, she's now sitting on the couch she'd sat on earlier. Her entire body structure was messy as evidenced by her slouched shoulders, forlorn expression, and her eyes staring at the locket given to her. It makes her extremely angry. This man, this bastard, had lied to and used her since he picked her off the streets. What's worse is that there were actual moments that showed more to him than just the business and ego he values so dear. She loved that care he had inside, but she hated everything else about him. Holding the locket with her fist, Asori goes to a trash can where she dropped it in there without an ounce of guilt.
        "Hey," Ashley said in a soft tone. She's not dressed in her previous outfit, but rather a simple black tank top and pink pajama bottoms with a pattern of roses going up and down. Asori couldn't lie. She looked amazing. She has such beautiful emerald green eyes that looked like they're staring warmly into her soul. Asori also loved the way her red hair was pulled to the right side of her shoulder. That slightly nervous demeanor of hers made Asori like her even more due to it reminding her of herself. And, that outfit especially. Ashley soon works up the courage to walk up to and sit next to her on the couch, Asori letting her guard down slightly too.
       "Hey," Asori manages to say. A great silence swells across the atmosphere for a moment or two. During those moments, Asori and Ashley's guilt over the events in their meeting room written all over their faces. It doesn't take long for Asori to open herself up first.
        "Look, Ashley. I'm really sorry. I was just-" Ashley immediately put up her hand to stop Asori's unnecessary apology, or at least it being unnecessary in her eyes.
       "You don't need to apologize. It's my fault," Ashley said in a forlorn demeanor.
        "But, I made a stupid choice-"
        "You're not stupid," The redhead tells her black haired companion, a bit of her impatience coming out. Asori isn't scared by this. After all, she's been through much worse. Ashley, taking a deep breath, continues her talk with Asori.
        "Sorry. It's... something I'm working on."
         "I understand." A brief pause between the two girls occurs before Asori breaks the silence.
         "If you don't mind me asking, are you running away from home?" Asori's question comes back at her with Ashley telling her the reason for running away.
         "I... I don't have a home," Ashley admits.
         "I mean, I grew up in an orphanage, and while it wasn't a hellhole, it wasn't what I'd call home." Asori isn't surprised by this confession. After all, she didn't have a home anymore either.
         "Also, it's because I did some bad things at school," Ashley said while she looked down in shame. Feeling sympathy for this girl, Asori decides to at least try making Ashley feel better.
         "Ya know, someone I knew acted the same way." Ashley's gaze shot up a bit. Who was this prick? More importantly, how can she make sure she doesn't end up like him?
         "Who's that prick?"
          "Jerrod. He's a prick who used me my entire life. Thankfully, the bastard's in jail right now." Asori's eyebrows furrowed at the mention of that man. His ego wasn't needed in her life anymore, so she didn't care if she trashes him or not.
          "Wow. Was he that bad?" Ashley asked in a more relaxed manner.
          "He wasn't Adolf Hitler levels of bad. But, he was still bad." Asori and Ashley paused for a short moment before talking again.
          "That guy sounds a lot like Mr. Adams."
          "And let me guess, he's a jackass teacher you knew in high school?"
          "Correct-o" Ashley sheepishly comments.
          "I'm sorry," Asori said softly.
          "I'm sorry too." The two similar girls stopped talking at that point and made their way back to the bedroom. Entering the room, they found Jayden, Aubrey, and Shadow Bird waiting for them. The teens had their pajamas on as well aside from Asori. Jayden has his arms crossed in a serious manner whilst Aubrey and Shadow Bird looked on in both pity and concern.
           "Well?" Jayden sternly asks.
           "We're good," Asori said truthfully, Ashley nodding her head in agreement. Deciding to put this to bed, Jayden uncrosses his arms, ending this unnecessary argument.
           "See you guys in the morning," Jayden said whilst going to the top bunk. Asori grabbed her things and made her way to the bathroom to change into her pajamas. A while later, and the team is snuggled up in their beds. All of them, however, cannot sleep as of right now. Doubt, fear, anger, and distress crawled in their entire beings. Ashley and Asori appeared the most doubtful and fearful. Ashley felt the most guilt regarding this whole scenario, a part of her wanting to cry in shame of herself. However, knowing that crying is not going to solve anything, the redhead kept her tears shut. She then makes a promise to herself not to screw this journey up. If she does, then how can she become a better person? Sighing, Ashley goes to sleep right then and there, yet regret and dread persisted in her mind. The dread Asori felt persevered because of her experience with Jerrod. Failing him was one thing, but this was another. This new team is her second chance. If she lets them down, then it will be like her pathetic past all over again. So, she shall keep her mouth shut if need be, and open it when need be. Aubrey, out of all of them, tries her best to hold onto hope. Knowing her phone was in her pocket, she takes it out and looks through her photos of her and Ariana. Ariana Stone is a ton of things, all right. Adorable, clever, sassy, and creative. A slight giggle escapes her mouth while she looks on at Ariana and her happy accidents involving cookie baking and tree topping. Her little sister deserves a better life, and this Evilkin guy and his cronies are not gonna ruin this chance. Putting her phone away, Aubrey heads off to bed, a genuine smile across her face. Shadow Bird, although it is not shown, feels fear with its cobwebs crawling in his skin. That was intense, but he had been through worse. Shadow Bird immediately takes a deep breath to calm those said fears. He doesn't want to be that weak kid again. That kid people used and abused up until he was eleven. Now fifteen, and a badass vigilante, Shadow Bird knew he needed to be that badass for the team. With that, the young man goes to sleep. Jayden himself felt intense fear regarding the wellbeing of his team. How is he gonna keep them together? Where will the tension escalate? And, the question he is scared of the most; what if they end up like those two? Jayden once again feels his anger building up. This anger that he felt since he was only a child. Those two. Those selfish sons of bitches. With the anger came a newfound determination. He knew Optimus never buckles down from this pressure. He had been through worse. Like, way worse. And, he needs to be strong for them. The whole multiverse depends on it. All five teens finally managed to get to sleep after finding a calmness that entered the room. Who knows how long this peace will last?

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