Chapter 21-Go Rogue

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"Stop-STOP!" The scientist shouted as the corruption was spreading too far as the glass had been cracked slightly. He sighed as it was a slight failure,"This additional power is incomplete. This ability, yet omnipotent, is still quite unstable. Once we finish her treatment than she'll be...unstoppable,"

"This is kinda fun..." Shigaraki said in his raspy voice while he pressed his hands on the glass, only touching it with four fingers. He looked like a child that was window shopping, looking at a brand new toy he knew he wanted and knew he was going to get.

"I'm expecting results," The large man said as he shrieked back.

"Yes...Definitely. You'll get what you want as long as you hold your end of the deal..." The shrewd man was cautious with his words while there was a brief silence.

"Fair enough," He replies as the scientist sighed in relief.

"Well, then. How about a tour on what 17's treatments are like. I can show you the exact processes she has to go through and the last injection she'll take. You'll actually get to look at my master piece that's following through that thing's veins," He snickered as he left the room while the three men were about to follow till they were stopped by the female assistant.

"She...She's still human. She's a person. He may have suppressed her emotions for now, but she...she still feels things," She mentioned as they men looked at each other and then back at her,"She's no monster that needs to be tamed..." 

"Who cares? We're getting what we want. Move out the way before I get angry," Shigaraki hissed in his own way till the man behind him held his shoulder.

"Now, hold on...You...You are undoubtedly close to this subject. Why would someone like you have such a worrisome obligation towards this girl?...Unless there is some sort of familial relationship then?..." He guesses correctly as sweat dropped down her face,"I must thank you for sacrificing your daughter for our cause, but I think it's a little too late to be worrying about her now...If you're worried about how we'll treat her, then fear nothing if you trust her ability to do the tasks we assign her."

She didn't trust anything he said, but she also felt guilt and remorsed on what could've been.

She flinched when he pressed a hand on her shoulder as she felt his dominating presence. He said,"Your child has a purpose, and that purpose is to serve us. I do appreciate that she has a setting for unquestioning loyalty. Now if you don't mind, what was the key to unlocking that?"

She trembled under him as she squinted her eyes,"It's...The phrase was-"

""Carnage all those opposed""

"Now I remember," Shigaraki smiled while your through was being clutched by him as you were being held in midair. Something clicked at the sound of that word. It felt like your mind was going blank and you felt numb to the point of not being able to move your eyelids.

"Absolute loyalty, hm? Well, then Project 17...,"Shigaraki said as he let you go, you stood there standing still. No thoughts going through your mind.

The students were looking at you in fear while Aizawa stood in front of you, preparing for battle.

"Iida, you have to go now! Now is not the time for hesitation!!" The hero 13 shouted while Iida had never felt such a cold aura radiate from someone is in his life. Watching you made him feel like he was on the verge on breaking down and crying. The sooner he left, the faster he could help you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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