Chapter 17-It Should've Been Me

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"(L/n)! (L-L/N)!" Midoriya said as you ran while you desperately searched for Uraraka so you could help finish the mission,"Stop!!"

The shout Midoriya let out only made you more anxious as Bakugo could be more on your tail,"Midoriya for your safety I recommend that we keep moving or else Bakugo will-"

"I know," Midoriya cut you off as he clenched his fists,"You don't need to worry about me. Put yourself first,"

"That's not my job," You stated while you looked around corners and turns watching out for any movements.

"Then what is your job?!" Midoriya tried to be quieter this time seeing how dangerous the situation seemed to be.

You paused while you turned to face Midoriya with a barren look,"Somethings are best to just be ignorant to Midoriya. That way you'll be alright,"

"Well, sometimes it's okay to not be alright," Midoriya pointed out, catching your attention.

It was never okay...Things are always not alright...

"Then what am I supposed to do," You said nonchalantly while you plainly looked at him. 

Midoriya smiled at you as he put a hand on your bare-naked shoulder as he said,"As your friend, I'm telling you do things for yourself and at moments let people take care of themselves,"

You smiled as heavy foot steps came sounding from behind, a distance away,"Alright. I leave Bakugo to you then,"

Midoriya nodded with a face of determination.

"I have faith in you (l/n)," Midoriya said with those departing words while he ran off to cut off Bakugo while you stood there  for a moment. 

You gripped your hands into fist while a fire burned in your past dull eyes. You started running from the standing position you always felt you were in.

I have to help Uraraka...

"NYEHEHEHEHEH," Iida laughed maniacally, but also in an idiotic way, as Uraraka hid behind a square pillar while a bead of sweat dripped down her face.

 Uraraka frantically said into the ear piece with a quiet voice"Darn it Midoriya I really need some assistance,"

"I am here," You said as you hastily slid on the floor next to Uraraka as she smiled happily.

"(L/n)..!" Uraraka shouted, but you immediately hushed her as you tried to conceal your presence as much as you could while Uraraka was horrified at the sight of you,"...What happened to you...?"

"Bakugo is what happened to me..." You said quickly with a hushed and urgent tone while the pain of the searing burns irked you usual monotone behavior. You told Uraraka the plan.

Great! But look," Uraraka said as Iida said standing right next to the paper machete weapon,"He's too fast for me. Everytime I try to grab it he's just pulling it away from me and I need physical contact to actually have a use for my quirk,"


The variable ran through your mind as you widened your eyes.  

"I have a solution," You said as you looked at her intensely.

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