Chapter 5-Rematch

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"Thank you Recovery Girl," You said as you bowed your head and got up from the chair you sat.

"No problem, but do be more cautious because the severe blood loss that you had might have not been fixed in time know.." She said as she crossed her hands behind her back.

"I know," You swiftly said,"I'll be more aware next time,"

"Good," She replied,"Now go on and change. I'm sure your classmates are dying to meet you properly,"

You nodded as you didn't say anything while walking out of the Recovery Girl's office and headed toward the changing rooms to change into the regular uniform you were assigned.

I think I scared most of them...

A flashback occurred of when you saw that pink girl groan in pain as she lay on the floor.

I will have to apologize again for causing such damage..even though they won't except it..

You sighed as you had known this was expected.Now thinking back on the previous events of the day, you looked back on the conversation you had with the plainish boy.

I never got his name...

To think back on it the only name you had learned from that group was Bakugo's. You shuddered at the murderous and sinister face he had on as he wished for nothing more then to blow you up into million, horrific and bloody pieces.

How does he want to be a hero?...

You finally got done changing as you walked out of the girl's locker room and walked down the empty hallways, focusing only on the sound of your feet clicking at the ground with each step you took. You stared plainly at the large classroom door that was labeled 1-A. Without warning you heard chattering as you slid open the door.

"Ah, you're back," Aizawa lazily said as you gave him a nod of significance.

"W-What is she doing here?" The pink girl gasped as she pointed at you.

Pointing is counted as rude...

"Settle down," Aizawa commanded as spoke clearly,"Be respectful to your new classmate,"

"Classmate?!" The electric boy gasped.

"OI! YOU!"


Bakugo rushed out of the crowd to face or stand slightly above you as he was taller in height,"Who the hell do you think you are, showing me up like that dunce face?!"

I got insulted for the first time..

"I am your classmate," You answered bluntly, only making him more irritated.

"No shit Sherlock!" He yelled at you as you saw the crowd around you. You spotted the girl you hade previously hurt as you pushed aside Bakugo.

Bakugo growled,"Oi! Don't you ignore me-!"

"I apologize for causing your previous injuries," You suddenly said as you looked her in the eyes as you clasped her hands with yours.

"U-Uh, i-its no problem at all!" She stuttered at first till she gave you a smile,"Water under the bridge!"

You felt relieved, like your guilt was lifted off your shoulders.

She actually forgave me...

BNHA x Reader |The Beast & God's Creation|(Rewrite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora