Chapter 9-In The Night

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You had made one step out the door till you were suddenly pulled back as for a second you were out the door and then the next you were laying down on Bakugo's bed as your legs bent and touched the floor. Bakugo held your wrist apart as he hovered on top of you.

"Scream and I'll kill you," Bakugo threatened as you were unaffected by his actions as you didn't have the experience to process a reaction to this.

"Why would I? And are you initiating another fight Bakugo because I think there are more suitable places for combat," You bluntly said with a plain face as you stared at Bakugo, locking into his red eyes as Bakugo was the only one to blush in that moment.

Is that the appropriate reaction for this situation?...

You thought about this new knowledge as you continued to look at him, with your lips slightly parted as Bakugo blushed harder as he tsked while he let go of you as he sat down on his bed with his legs crossed. You sighed as you sat up next to him as you looked at him and his facial features,"What's wrong? Your current expression means that you're in discomfort, no?"

Bakugo irked as he propped an elbow on his knee as he rested his chin while he spoke with a pink tinted face,"What type of reaction is that? You're supposed to put on some type of fucking restraint if a guy ever puts you in a position like that. And why the hell do you talk so fucking weird?"

I made the wrong decision...

"Noted. Next time I'll put some restraint," You bluntly huffed as Bakugo looked at your body features. Your posture was straight. Too straight. Your face had no look fatigue in it knowing you hadn't had any sleep this late. Besides that you lacked emotions.

"What's your name," Bakugo bluntly asked as he looked at you with a slightly irritated face.

"I don't have one," You bluntly answered back quickly as Bakugo raised a brow.

"The hell you mean you don't have a name? No one has ever called you something?" Bakugo asked in a doubtful yet angered voice.

"There is something," You replied as you didn't look at him as you stared at a wall.

"Well then what the hell is it?" Bakugo kept asking as he started to get pissed that you weren't coming right out with it.

"Shit rag," You recalled remembering that exact name. Bakugo widened his eyes as he had a irritated yet semi surprised face.

"Who the fuck called you that?" Bakugo kept asking as you turned your head to look at him with a solemn face.

"You," You quickly snapped in a monotone voice as Bakugo jumped a little bit, guilted and flushed because it was true.

"Something other than that," Bakugo said as you tried to recall any names.

"Air head," You replied again as Bakugo kept repeating the same actions.

"And who the fuck called you that?" Bakugo coarsely scuffed as you had gave him the same look you had on before.

"You," You replied as Bakugo finally snapped as he gritted his teeth while he shook a fist at you.

"Something other than what I called you, you shit rag!" Bakugo tried to quietly yell as you thought about it.

I don't think I'm allowed to give him any of the others I've been called...

"Then that's it. I have no other names," You said with a hint of sadness in your voice. You felt a little more empty then you were already were.

"Then just give yourself a name," Bakugo suggested as you quickly looked at him as he just stared at you, waiting for a reply.

"Can't think of one," You said as Bakugo irked before you continued,"Can you give me one?"

Bakugo blushed as he had never named a person before as it was already weird enough that you didn't have a name in the beginning. He gave out a puff of air as he tried to think. The room was silent as Bakugo thought about what he would call you as you waited patiently for his response,"How about...(f/n) (l/n)?"

(f/n) (l/n)...

You smiled for the first time tonight as Bakugo blushed. The smile quickly went away as you returned to your nonchalant demeanor,"I think that's a pretty name..."

"Well no duh. I thought of it shit rag," Bakugo thought as he let his body fall into the bed while his calves to his feet were still of the bed. You fell back down as well you felt the warmth and smelled the scent of Bakugo's bed.


You had smelled it before, but this scent was mixed in with a bunch of other scents like sweat.

You had turned your head to look at Bakugo only to find out that he was already looking at you. He blushed as you hadn't moved your eyes away from him.

"W-What the hell are you staring at?" Bakugo tried to bark, but there was no bite as you kept looking at him. You moved your body as you laid on your side as you folded your legs so it wouldn't be hanging off the bed.

You said a low and sweet voice,"Thank you for giving me a name..."

Bakugo blushed as he was sort of weirded out by the situation. He tsked as he moved his body so he would be laying on his side as he was now face to face to you. He blushed as he looked in another direction,"Don't let it get to your head, shit rag..."

With that you watched him as he got drowsy while you? You felt nothing. Nothing in that moment at all as you watched him fall asleep. You thought it was the only sensible thing to do was fall asleep due to the time of night.

I have a name...(f/n)...(l/n)...

You smiled before you fell asleep, shutting your eyes as you felt a little less empty from before. Like a part of you had just been filled with just two simple words someone had given you.

"What..the...HELL IS THIS!?" His mother yelled as she came into the room with her husband not too far behind her as she had a mix of emotions about this.

You cracked your eyes open only to see that Bakugo was barely waking up to as he shot his eyes open as he realized that you were so close to his face and his body placement was. His arms were wrapped around your back as his hands were under you, grabbing your waist as he had one leg wrapped around both of yours. You were being embraced by him as you had a plain face that could be mistaken as a look of fatigue.

Bakugo furiously blushed as he got off you quickly as he yelled,"IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!"

That's the end of this chapter! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Ciao!

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