Chapter 2-Quirk Assessment?...

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You were arriving at a glass panel building with four towers that connected to eachother. As you strode along side Aizawa or as Aizawa crawled in his sleeping bag hearing the occasional slurp from his juice pouch, you scraped your hand along side every white arch on the walk way. 

As you entered the building with Aizawa all you could hear was the shuffling of his bag as he stopped. He pulled out a blue tracksuit as he had told you to put it on and wait for him and his class by the field.

Your first task here was to be a punching bag for the first day of the first years of class 1-A. Simple as that. You could dodge and attack of course, but mostly counter attacks. You were told to show no pain or emotion during this and to go along with whatever Aizawa said.

You walked nonchalantly over to a baseball field as your feet kicked up dust. You waited for 21 people as you stared off into space.

I was told not to kill them..

In the distance you could hear chatter and the steps of many people in the distance as you looked over to see Aizawa and his class. As they came closer, questions rose up as the whispered about you.

"Who is she?" A girl with dark short hair said as she pointed at you.

"Is she another student?" A girl with brown bobbed hair said to a greenish-hair boy.

"That's enough. We're skipping the pleasures of an opening ceremony and getting straight to work," Aizawa stated bluntly as some kids groaned and some cheered.

"As, expected of U.A. Here we'll be allowed to use our quirks as much as we want!" A guy with diamond shaped eyes and weird gaped elbows cheered.

"This will be fun!" A alienish girl said as she jumped up and down.

"Fun, huh?" Aizawa said coldly as glared at his new students.

"If that's how your perspective on all your three years is then you will be ranked in this. Last place is expelled!" Aizawa boomed as the class gasped loudly.

You peered over the students examining them. One however, caught your eyes. He had a perfect split of red and white hair and different colored eyes. He gave off a chilling aura even though his face was so plain. Another one was standing out immediately after Aizawa spoke. He had curly green hair and scarily muttered something as his body was trembling with fear.


You thought about seeing this emotion in action as you continued to follow along Aizawa's script.

"You all must be wondering about this person here," Aizawa said as he stuck a hand out to you, presenting you in some sort. Everyone nodded as they looked at you,"Well she isn't a person,"

I thought I was supposed to be kept secret..

The class widened their eyes as they all said,"What?!"

"B-But sensei! How can this be? She looks so real!" The same girl with the brown bobbed hair said in desperate.

"She is a modified robot with the looks of a human appearance and a quirk. Your task is to utterly destroy her," Aizawa said as some of the students had doubtful expressions on their faces.

Odd excuse I guess...

"Jeez. Even though it's a robot it still feels unmanly to hit a girl," A boy with mountainous red hair said as he scratched his neck.

What a gentlemen...

"Well then you can go sit out and be in last place to be expelled," Aizawa threatened as it shot chills up the boy's body as he shook his head no.

"Tsk. You only have one here? I think you might need a least another one so these extras have a chance," A boy with spiky ash-blonde locks scoffed as he tiled his head upwards, meaning he was looking down on you.

I've never seen a person with such a monstrous ego before..

Your eyes locked with the Blonde's red ones as he avoided your gaze.

"Is that so? Then you can go up first Bakugo since you finished first in the exams. And only one at a time," Aizawa mentioned as the boy stood infront of you, roaring with blood lust.

So Bakugo is his name?..

You stared at him blankly as he stood in a fighting stance till he blasted toward you and yelled,"DIE!"

Can I even die?..

You thought about it as your eyes were blinded by a bright light as you quickly reacted,"Explosion"

You muttered his quirk as you blocked his attack with your forearms covered in armadillo scales.

There were wide gasps as Bakugo looked at you surprised while blowing another attack at you, throwing an explosive right hook. You saw this coming as you grabbed his hand and slammed him into the ground .

Your arms burned even though it was protected, but as mentioned you were not allowed to show emotion.

You kicked Bakugo away farther then you should have as you bluntly said,"Who's next?"

Everyone had shocked faces as the pinkish girl happily came out of the crowd as she smiled at you,"If you're just a robot then I'll just melt you!"

She came running at you as a white substance came out of her hands that was steaming as it made contact with air.

Your eyes turned black and gold as parts of your skin turned a dry leathery grey as you spoke,"Acid,"

You turned into a Brazilian pigmy gecko. There skin is hydrophobic so acid can't dizzolve through it as it would never even come in contact with it.

She shot the acid as you deflected it with your arms as it just slid right off, only melting the sleeves of the tracksuit. 

You rushed towards her to counter attack as you kneed her in her stomach and threw her to the side.

She groaned in pain as she couldn't stand up. She had such a pained expression as you tried to hold a straight face.

I'm sorry....but I'm only following orders..

You destroyed the last new feeling of sympathy as you awaited for the next person.

A boy who looked nervous came up as he had a rocky head. He didn't speak so you decided to end this quickly. You used a simple form as you had wolf ears and tail with sharp claws and golden eyes. You were going to attack, but you felt you animal instincts be totally shut off.  You collapsed as you couldn't realise what was happening. You stared blankly at him in wonder.

"Animla Voice," You said as you realized his quirk. 

Does it work for insects?..

You thought about as you changed form into a pray mantis, getting green blades for hands. The boy did a scared motion at your appearance.

Is he afraid?..of bugs?...

You used the dulled side of your sharp single claws as you could easily slice him in half. You hit him in the stomach as he flew backwards.

You tried to make it look effortless as that guy did take some energy out of you. You heard footsteps crunch in the dirt as you prepared for this certain opponent.

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