.i feel the pain.

Start from the beginning

His face soften. "Sophia, I'm so..."

"Leave." I pointed at the door.

"Sophia, don't show that attitude." Mom argued. "Maybe that's all I have." I answered back.

"He is your elder brother." Damn, my mom.

"Elder brother, my arse. He is only a brother to me, when I'm happy. He never helped me when I was alone and sad. He has started hiding things from me. He gets defensive when I ask him something, so who the fuck is he to interfere in my life?" I shouted at mom eyeing Liam. Without listening to any other word, he left the room angrily.

"Sweetheart, you need to calm down. Take a deep breathe." Dad walked to me and placed his hands on my arms. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. "What is the matter?" Then he asked me, letting go his hand from my arms, I opened my eyes and met with his worried wrinkled eyes.

I folded my arms. "Mom, you can leave."


"Darling, can you please leave? I need to talk to her." Dad asked mom and she left. Good, because I'm not at all in the mood to fight with my mother.

"You wanna go somewhere else?" He asked. I nodded and taking my cardigan, walked out of the room with him. Mom was seated on the couch with her hand on Liam's shoulder who had both his hands on his forehead.

He was going to speak something when he saw me and dad and stopped. Without saying my bye, I left the house angrily.

"Sophia, wait. Let's not go out anywhere, rather sit in the garden." Dad held my hand.

"But dad..."

How can dad make me sit in front of his window? I just want to throw a rock at the white glass. What is wrong with me!

"Listen, I know you don't want to sit here and stare at his window but please, you're not feeling well and it is not the right time to go out."

"Okay, Dad." I said and we sat on the lawn, Indian style. I let my nose breathe the dull scent of the grass, the one that you can smell during evening time. It was the time when the flowers don't glow as much as they do in afternoon.

"Now tell me, why are you upset." he asked calmly. "There is nothing dad."

"I'm your father, so I know when you lie. Now quit hiding it from me."

"Why am I not made for being loved?" I whispered.

"You're, my sweetheart. Why would you think that?" he asked, worried.

I looked down. "Dad, I share everything with you, but there is something I didn't. I have hid this from you, I didn't know how to share this, because this feeling, my emotions were complicated. The truth is, I have started liking... um..I have started liking..." I stuttered. How can I explain to him? Sharing secrets with him has always been easy, he is my personal diary, but this, I don't know how to say this.

"You love Zayn." he declared. I looked up and saw him, face calm and a smile forming on his lips.

Why could I not say that I love him and why did I just end up at the liking part? He is more than just a crush to me, he is the feeling of a bright star in my dull night sky.

"Dad...How do you... "

"It flashes in your eyes. You say it's just affection but no, my child, you love him." He stated. "You love him, because it breaks you when you see him with someone else. You try to be happy but you want him to be happy with you."

I didn't say anything. He is right. For once, I want to be selfish to know what I want. "It is okay to be selfish to want what you love." Dad stated. Did he just read my mind?

.𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞,𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now