Chapter 2

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Bulkhead and Wheeljack were working on a blinding having started working in construction after the war.

Bumblebee took the ground bridge to the construction site and they both greeted him. Happy to see their old friend. Then he told them what was going on and they both agreed to help.

Then all of a sudden they heard a boom and what sounded like an explosion then part of the building collapsed and they all had to jump out of the way.

"Are you both ok?" Asked Bumblebee.

"I'm ok." Said Bulkhead.

"I got a few dents but nothing I can't handle." Wheeljack told them.

Then they saw someone driving away but they couldn't catch them because they had to much of a head start. But they knew the explosion had been caused by blaster fire and that was probably the one behind it.

Since it was pointless trying to track them down right now. Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Wheeljack went back to base.

Meanwhile Airstrip had snuck away from Arachnid, Lockdown and Overlord who had just gotten back from trying to scrap Bulkhead and Wheeljack along with Bumblebee.

Overlord had shot part of the building hoping it would crush them. But luckily it hadn't worked out that way and all three of them were fine.

Airstrip made sure he wasn't followed by anyone then transformed and flew to the top of a building where he would have plenty of privacy. Then activated his com-link.

"Hello Smokescreen?" He said over his com-link.

"Hey how's it going have you learned anything?" Asked Smokescreen.

"Yes I've learned the ones who are trying to kill the Autobots are Arachnid, Overload and Lockdown and they have a mole who's spying on the Autobots but I haven't found out who it is yet." Airstrip explained.

"Ok you find out anything else you can." Smokescreen told him. "And be careful especially since Arachnid is there."

"Right." Airstrip agreed before ending the call and going back to join the others before he'd be missed.

Meanwhile Knock Out had gone to the hospital to help Ratchet with Ultra Magnus and had taken a job there.

He was walking around the hallway trying to familiarize himself with the layout so he could find his way around. When he bumped into a mech who he could tell was a seeker by the wings on his back.

"Hi I'm Knock Out and I just started working here." Knock Out introduced himself.

"My name is Pharma and I don't like the idea of having a former Decepticon work at the hospital." Pharma told Knock Out coldly.

"I'm familiar with your history and if I catch you causing trouble I will make sure your fired." He added before walking off.

"Well nice to meet you too." Knock Out mumbled sarcastically. Hoping he wouldn't have to spend too much time working with Pharma having figured out the bot didn't like him.

"Don't worry about him he hates all Decepticons. He's a good medic but a bit judgemental for an Autobot." Ratchet told Knock Out to reassure him. "He'll learn your a good bot. Just give it time."

"He probably just had something traumatic happen to him during the war." Knock Out said as he nodded.

Then Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Wheeljack walked in with Optimus.

"Now we just need to find Smokescreen and Arcee." Bumblebee said looking at the others.

"Well Smokescreen is working as a cop but we don't know where Arcee is right now." Bulkhead told them.

"So we'll get Smokescreen next then go look for Arcee." Bumblebee decided. And Optimus agreed it was a good idea.

They decided to go to the police station to look for Smokescreen the next day because it was late and they all decided to go home and recharge.

Knock Out had been living on Velocitron so Ratchet let him use his guest room.

Knock Out's com-link went off in the middle of the night much to both his and Ratchet's annoyance.

"Hello?" Knock Out answered hoping to get rid of whoever it was because it was four in the morning.

Ratchet walked in just in time to see Knock Out's optics widen.

"That's horrible I'll be right there just try not to move him!" Knock Out said with urgency in his voice.

"What is it Knock Out?" Ratchet asked after the call ended.

"There's been an accident near Kaon a bot crashed and is in really bad shape." Knock Out explained what a bot had just told him.

"I'm gonna go help them." He added grabbing his medkit and started out the door.

"Be careful." Ratchet told him.

"I will." He promised before leaving to help the patient.

Knock Out drove to the location but upon arriving there something seemed off. No one was there.

"Seriously." Knock Out groaned thinking it was some kind of prank. Then tried to call Ratchet but his com-link wasn't working and he realized something was jamming the signal.

Then he heard pedsteps behind him and moved just in time to dodge some webs that had been shot at him.

"Arachnid!" He hissed seeing the femme who had killed his best friend.

"Calm down Knock Out don't want you to have a breakdown." She mocked him.

Now angry Knock Out got his saw out and charged at her. But Arachnid kept dodging and he realized she was toying with him.

Knock Out changed into his vehicle mode and started driving away as soon as it dawned on him that she was baiting him. She had brought up Breakdown in an attempt to make him lose it.

Arachnid took off after him. And shot some of her webs one hit him right when he started to transform and he landed with webs covering one side of him. But Arachnid didn't see that she miss the other side of him and that he'd transformed his free servo into his saw.

"So your gonna kill me like you did him?" Knock Out groaned.

"No I think I'll take it slower with you." Arachnid told him darkly as she used her acid to make a gash on his cheek.

But suddenly Knock Out swung his saw around hitting Arachnid both across the face and in the left side also taking off one of her spider legs.

"That was for Breakdown." Knock Out growled as he cut the webs off him and started to leave.

Only for Overlord to hit him from behind knocking him out cold. Then Overlord help Arachnid up.

"Your losing your touch Arachnid it's kind of funny that you killed Breakdown but take this much damage from Knock Out." Overlord teased her. And she just growled in response.

Then they took Knock Out back to their base to keep him as a prisoner.

To Be Continued.

Hope this chapter turned out ok this story is tricky to come up with. I'll try to have the next chapter up soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

And PS there's more to Airstrip then meets the eye. LOL.

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