Chapter 1

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It had been years since Cybertron was liberated from Cyclonus. Bumblebee and his team were still protecting Earth while most of the Autobots on Cybertron had gone their separate ways and were all doing their own thing.

When Bumblebee received a call from Cybertron it was Optimus asking him to come help with a situation on Cybertron. So Bumblebee told his team to handle things on Earth while he went to Cybertron to see what was going on.

After coming through the space bridge he met Optimus.

"Optimus what's going on?" Asked Bumblebee.

"Autobots are being attacked and we do not know who is behind it or why." Optimus explained.

"Is everyone alright?" Bumblebee asked.

"So far there have been no fatalities but Ultra Magnus is in the hospital in critical condition." Optimus added. "We must track down all the Autobots and warn them for I fear they may all be potential targets."

"Then we better get started." Bumblebee suggested. 

Then they went over to figure out where all the Autobots were. The only one other then Ultra Magnus they knew the location of was Ratchet who was in the hospital treating him.

So they went to talk to Ratchet at the hospital to see if he knew where anyone was. And he told them the location of a few of their friends who had spoken to him.

Knock Out had gone back to his home planet Velocitron, Smokescreen was currently working as a cop like Bumblebee had been before going to Earth. Wheeljack and Bulkhead were working in construction. But he didn't know where Arcee was.

They decided to start with Knock Out since his location was the only one that required a space bridge to reach. They would get that over with first.

So they headed for the nearest space bridge.

Meanwhile on Velocitron Knock Out had been busy working at Velocitron's hospital. And was just leaving for the day when he spotted a crying sparkling outside the door it was a little yellow and white femme who he could tell had an injured strut.

Knock Out grab a patch kit and an energon sweet out of a bowl that they kept for sparklings.

Then went out and sat by her on the steps where he spoke gently to her while he treated her strut.

"It's ok little one even the best of us crash sometimes the important thing is you don't let it discourage you." He told her softly. Then gave her the energon sweet when he was finished. And she smiled.

One of the nurses watched them and grind Knock Out was so good with sparklings it was hard to believe he had ever been a Decepticon he had really turned himself around after the war. It was hard for anyone who knew him now to believe he had ever sided with the Cons.

Then she saw him say goodbye to the sparkling and wave at her before heading off to a race.

Bumblebee and Optimus arrived on the speed planet a few minutes later. And went to the hospital only to learn that Knock Out had gone out to race.

So went to the track the nurse told them he liked to go too. Then they thanked her and went to find Knock Out.

But were surprised by what they saw when they got there. There was a black, white and green alt mode with spikes going after Knock Out.

They remembered some velocitronians were known to cheat during races since everyone here took it seriously.

But this bot was only going after Knock Out and ignoring the other racers like they didn't even care about the race and were just trying to hurt the red sports car.

Optimus and Bumblebee could tell something was wrong from how the other car kept trying to ram Knock Out off the track.

Then the bot transformed and jump on top of Knock Out's alt mode and started beating it with his fists. That was when Optimus and Bumblebee saw who it was.

"Lockdown!" Bumblebee gasped remembering the bounty hunter. Then he and Optimus started running in the direction of the track to try to help Knock Out.

They were so far away they didn't know if they would reach them in time. Lockdown managed to flip Knock Out's Austin Martin from over slamming him hard against the track. Which forced him to transform. Then Lockdown started beating him.

But then some of the other racers started stopping to intervene after they realized Knock Out was in trouble.

Lockdown suddenly had alt modes trying to ram him and even a few bots transforming and trying to fight him with their fists.

He had been trying to open part of Knock Out's servo but now the other racers were starting to overwhelm him so Lockdown decided it wasn't worth it and kicked Knock Out before retreating. And was gone before anyone could catch him.

By the time Optimus and Bumblebee got there several bots were over there helping Knock Out who was just coming too.

"Knock Out are you alright?" Asked Optimus.

"No I'm not alright my paint job is totaled." Knock Out complained about the damage to his finish.

"He's fine." Bumblebee said with a smile thinking only Knock Out could be attacked by a complete stranger, driven off the race tack and nearly beaten to death and just be worried about what it did to his paint.

Then they filled Knock Out in on what had been happening to the Autobots and they all agreed that Lockdown's attack on Knock Out might be connected to it. So Knock Out agreed to go back to Cybertron with them. And they left through the space bridge.

Once at base they had Ratchet check Knock Out over to make sure Lockdown hadn't hurt him. And were happy to hear that he had only gotten a few minor scrapes. And a small dent on his helm where he'd been slammed against the track and knocked out.

Which he insisted on fixing right away. They were just happy he was alright. And Ratchet help him fix part of his servos that had been damaged. Lockdown had been trying to take his drill. Before he was chased off by the other racers.

"Those other velocitronians were nice to help you out like that." Bumblebee said to Knock Out.

"Those were all friends of mine and a few of them were patients I treated." Knock Out explained.

Then they decided to go to get Bulkhead and Wheeljack next.

Meanwhile Lockdown drove into a wearhouse on a different part of Cybertron and was greeted by Arachnid and Overlord and a seeker named Airstrip who had joined them he had a red and yellow color scheme.

They were the ones who had been attacking Autobots. "While scraping Knock Out didn't go so well. But I'm sure we'll get another chance." Said Lockdown.

"We'll have our revenge on all the Autobots." Overlord added. "I have someone on the inside who's giving me updates on their activities."

"A mole huh." Asked Airstrip who had only joined them recently. "Very clever do I get to meet him?"

"In due time we don't want to blow his cover if your captured and made to talk." Arachnid told him. "But I will say I'm grateful to him for curing my terrorcon virus."

"So now what is our next move?" Asked Airstrip.

To Be Continued.

Hope this first chapter turned out ok it was hard to come up with. I'll try to get the next one up soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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