'Aren't you gonna tell those two about what happened to them?'

'Some memories are best forgotten, it is for the childrens' sake.'

With that, the eye-patched man only nodded and walked away.


Let's rewind back to where the young aristrocrats, Yuki and her dear brother had witnessed the mighty power of the noblesse.


The turret of blood had now dissapated with no more traces left of the heterochromia pureblooded vampire. Like the latter had just vanished into nothingness but swallowed by his own blood and the blood of all those who had fell victim to him.

The noblesse who had his back turned from his audience (Yuki and friends) slowly turned his head towards the students' direction.

The latter were shocked and were then worried as they saw a trickle of blood were falling down the Noblesse's eyes and mouth.

Raizel only gave them a light smile before waving his hands  slowly, making the students (The young aristocrats who were loyal to kaname, along with Yuki) fall down to the ground, unconscious

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Raizel only gave them a light smile before waving his hands  slowly, making the students (The young aristocrats who were loyal to kaname, along with Yuki) fall down to the ground, unconscious.


We all know who this simp- I mean, person is, don't we?

A worried voice echoed throught the forest.

"Calm down, Frankenstein. I am alright. Just a bit tired." - the Noblesse told his servant.

Who was now kneeling infront of him with a very worried look while handing him a clean white handkerchief, which Raizel had thanked him and took to wipe the blood of his handsome face.

"Master, you have only been awake for a few weeks. And you're already using your powers, eventhough it was for just a bit. It already took this much damage to you. It seems your body had greatly declined after that battle hundred years ago. Please refrain from using more of your power next time Master, or don't use it no more, I cannot have you drain more of your life force- I am here for you Master. I will protect you, it is my humble duty as your loyal servant." Frankenstien spoke to Raizel with a face that looked like he was on the verge of crying.

Raizel with his usual expression (expressionless) on his face, stared at Frankenstein and lightly sighed,"I know the limits of my body Frankenstein. There is no need to worry about. I promise that I will not use my powers carelessly,"

The noblesse said then patted Frankenstein's head lightly.

'Oh dear lords of Lukedonia! (Except that previous idiot lord)' Did master really just pet me?!! Oh my Lord! Pet me more-'

There was a flowery aura surrounding the hot headed blonde. His master only sweat dropped internally at his servant's behavior.

Frankenstein's wild imaginations were cut of when a voice was heared.

Someone couldn't handle vinegar. ;>

"Forgive my disturbance. But I happen to hear your conversation earlier."

The noblesse only looked up and was faced with the pureblood prince a few meters away with an asleep Yuki on his arms.

Frankenstein quickly stood up and looked furiously at the vampire. Mad that his lovely moment alone with his Master were cut off short.

"So? What business do you have with us, kid?" Frankenstein said with his usual faked smile.

"'I cannot have you drain more of your life force.'  Was what took my attention the most. Is the Noblesse source of power, perhaps his life?" Kaname asked with a surprisingly worried tone, looking at Raizel intently.

What he said had surprised the blonde,'Shit. I didn't realized those words had slipped from my mouth.'

Frankenstein was about to rebuke when Raizel took a step forward.

"Your assumption is correct in general. But I guess you still want to comprehend more?"

Kaname only nodded his head.

"My own blood and soul, are my power and in their fully released state, are considered my soul weapon."

Kaname got more confused,"Soul weapon?"

Frankenstein walked stepped beside his master and asked permission to answer, to which the noblesse had approved.

"Soul weapons are supernatural weapon that can be freely summoned by the Noble clan leaders and the Lord. Every clan leader, including the Lord, has a soul weapon, which they alone are able to use. Soul weapons are a representation of a Clan Leader's authority." Frankenstein explained in a proud manner.

"Then, is the Noblesse the Lord?" Kaname asked still looking at the Noblesse, who was also looking at him with his expressioless look.

"No. My master is quite different. He is a noble who holds the special title of Noblesse, which distinguishes him from all other Nobles as their hidden protector, their judge, and if necessary, executioner. He had already told you didn't he? His soul weapon are his blood and soul itself. No solid forms like a sword or scythe."

The pureblood prince nodded in understanding.
"Thank you for answering my questions, you both must be tired from the battle. I am sorry for not intervening, I have my reasons. That is why-"

"We will go home, to Lukedonia."



Noblesse In Vampire Knight //CrossOver//Where stories live. Discover now