Class Clown

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I was sitting in second period bored as hell. I didn't know what the fuck this man was talking about. "Ok everyone grab a partner, we're about to start dissecting the pigs. Some sexy ass dread head sits next to me, I ain't paying him any attention though.  Whatever his name is must be smoking crack cause I'm not about to touch no fucking pig.

"Uh, excuse me Mr.Sir, I'm not about to slice no fucking pig. Are you going to pay to get this shit re-done" I ask pointing to my freshly manicured nails. "Oh you will most definitely  slice this pig if you want to pass" he says handing me an apron. "But Rachel don't huh? All she got to do is suck your wrinkly ass dick and she go pass huh" I scream while pointing to the school hoe.  The class erupts with a bunch of damns, aww mans, oh shits.

"Look mutherfucker, I'm go tell like this, I honestly don't give a fuck about this dumb ass class, kay? So you could suck my fucking dic-" someone cuts me off. "Ms.Brooks you're needed in the front office" Mr.Franklin the dean says.

I get up and grab my stuff and bump him on the way out. "Now since her ignorant ass is gone let's get back to work" I hear him say after his closes the door. I knock on the door, "Back already" he says while opening the door. I shove my pencil into his neck, "Bitch I'm bipolar and I'll kill your fucking ass then plead insanity". I knocked everything on his desk to the floor. "Clean this shit up, bitch ass nigga" I said while walking out. The whole class starts going crazy. I wasn't even the disrespectful type, I just wanted to embarrass his ass.

I walk in the office and Angel's sitting in a chair. "Damn nigga, can I have a fucking break?? How you knew I go here? You on that stalker shit bruh" I ask him. "Come ya bitch ass on, we got shit to do" he says laughing while walking out of the door. "I ain't leaving my car here" I said following him out of the building. "Duhh nigga, we going to your house, you need to pack. We going on a road trip" he said getting in his car. "Where we going" I asked while leaning on his car. "Cali" he screams like a little girl. I scream with him, I've always wanted to go to Cali.

"You know what fuck it, I'll buy clothes in Cali, I just need to get some money from home" I say walking to my car. "Bet I beat you there" he says pulling out $2,000. "You're on mutherfucker" I say starting up my car.

I know it's short, I got y'all though. I don't really care about the votes but I would appreciate it, those stars make me want to write more. Thank you to all of my readers. Sincerely, Smiley

Kik: TooDamnLonely
Ig: queimado.cocaina

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