The End

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I was standing in the back of my funeral listening to everybody cry, and no I wasn't disguised as nobody else. My story wasn't some corny ass urban fiction that kept going on and on and on. I had actually died, this shit was real. I got shot in the chest with a pump and I died. As for Angel, he died too. I thought it was blood that was on my face but it was actually Angel's brain matter. He actually was standing next to me during our funeral. Yeah, our funeral was on the same day. His casket was closed though, his head got blown off. I didn't even make it to 21, hell I didn't make it to 18. I wasn't tripping though, I believed in reincarnation. I'd be back soon and I'd do the same shit again. "So what's next" Angel asked me. "I dunno, hoping that we get reincarnated so we could fuck shit up again" I said chuckling. "Still crazy as hell" Angel said laughing. "I thought death would be better than this, this shit whack" I said to Angel. We were laughing on the floor while everyone else was crying.

"Come on let's go" Angel said grabbing my hand. "Go where nigga, we dead" I said laughing at him. "Come get this ghost dick" he said laughing. "You are a fool, leave me alone nigga" I said laughing. This dude was too funny. Yeah whatever I'm dead sooooooooo The End.

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