Where do broken hearts go?

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El's pov



I awoke in matts arms. Back home? Thats right! I came home. The song! Shawn... I need to find him. Now.
I shook the heck outta matt.
"What?!" He screamed
"Is shawn in town?!"
"Yes why?"
I didnt give him an answer.. I just grabbed my shoes and ran. I ran past taylor and nash on the stairs. Nash... He can wait. I need to find shawn. Now.
I ran threw the door and was half way down the street when i got a call from matt

(E- el m- matt)

M- hes leaving he should be at the airport. You need to get to him and tell him before he gets on that plan.
E- thanks matt. I will.

@@@End of phone call@@@

I ran. As fast as i could. The air port was 8 blocks from the house. I ran, dodging cars people... Trees. Anything in my way. I ran as fast as i could. I needed to tell him im home, that i love him, and that i cant live without him.


I finally reached the airport and searched the chart. Matt never said where hes going....
I ran everywhere screaming his name.
Where do broken hearts go?
To there fixer. Hes going to new york. I tweeted where i was before i left. I remebered where it said the plan was boarding, flight 1111.

*intercom* "flight 1111 last call for boarding"

I saw his head.
"SHAWN!" He wasnt hearing me.
"SHAWN!" I tried one last time.
He turned his head, looked at me running. Dropped his bags, and ran too me. I was crying.

I ran, right into his arms. He picked me up and kissed me.
"How did you find me?" He asked
"I asked, where do broken hearts go...."
"To there fixer,"

An/ my writers block passed.... YAY! This is my favorite chapter ive ever writen... I made the edit too,

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