"Good night, Leo," she whispered, laying her head back on his chest, smiling at the warmth that radiated from him.

Hina drifted off to sleep, feeling at ease under the night sky.

She was back in Manhattan, in the small common room of the foster house she was put in. The other kids ran by, seeming smaller than Hina recalled. Then she realized she had gotten older.

A familiar voice called out and Hina turned letting out a gasp. 

"Harry?" he was taller than when he had died, and his face had matured. He looked exactly what Hina had imagined him to. 

"Hey, Ina," he chuckled, his eyes traveling across Hina's body. "You look nice."

Hina slowly backed up, her back hitting a bookshelf that stood behind her.

"You're- you're dead," she chocked out, staring at the spot on Harry's chest where she remembered the lightning striking him. 

Harry shook his head, stalking towards Hina like she was his prey.

"No, Ina. You can bring me back, you can bring us both back." Harry gestured to the door where a ghostly image of Hina's mother stood.

"Okāsan?" Hina asked, her voice trembling.

"My child, my Hina," her mother's voice sounded far away, but the ghostly figure opened her arms to Hina lovingly.

Hina ran towards her mother's arms only to find she had disappeared.

"Mom?" she called out, searching around her.

"She needs you, Hina. You can bring us back at a fair price. Sacrifice them, their lives for ours. It's simple, Ina. Just think, you can have everything you wanted. We could run away together, just you and me. We'll reopen your mother's restaurant like you always talked about." Harry's voice was urgent, insisting her to agree.

Every bone in her body wanted to give in. Hina wanted to see her mother and Harry, but she had finally found her home. She found people who loved her, she couldn't risk them.

"You're not him, though- Harry'd never ask me to hurt someone for him," Hina insisted, turning to face him again.

"Death changes people, Hina. You should know that. I've been alone and cold for five years. But it's not so bad, really, they'll like it. No more quests, no more demanding gods. Just quiet."

Harry reached forward, grabbing Hina's hand. His body was ice cold, and Hina recoiled. She missed the warmth of Leo's arms around her. Harry seemed to sense Hina's doubt, because he dropped Hina's hand with a growl. 

"Make your choice. Their lives for mine, or you'll be digging your own grave. You think these heroes will not demand you save their lives when they lie on death's doors at the battle field? Heroes are greedy, they only want what's best for them. Go on, stay with your heroes, they will kill you soon enough!"

Hina woke with a start. Her heart was racing in her chest and it took all her will not to scream in terror. Everything in her dream seemed too real, and Harry's threat- her friends would be her death.

Leo stirred beside Hina, he turned in his sleep, draping an arm over Hina's waist. She felt him smile against her back, calming the pounding of her heart. 

Hina stayed wide awake, too scared to fall back asleep. She studied the stars wondering if her father was watching her now. 

The thought made Hina's face flush. She did not want to know if her godly father could see her sleeping on top of a rock beside a boy. She was sure Apollo would have sent a dozen arrows at Leo if he was watching. She sighed, brushing away the thought, and turned to take in Leo's face.

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