Week 3:

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Officially rotated to night shift!!!

I got to place an NG tube for the first time and found it easier to organize my time. I still need to learn to do tasks faster, but I know how to do them safely. I got to pull out an access to an implanted port as well. They had me watch someone else's before I got to do one on my own. Idk why bc i feel like taking one out is so much easier than putting one in?? I put one in nursing school and completely missed. It's like throwing darts in someones skin 

I got a different preceptor for night shift. Both of them were super nice! I feel like I'm having a way better experience than I was at my first job. I think (once I know what I'm doing) this could be a very rewarding job. I still find it nerve wracking to talk to doctors and be in charge of many people's lives...I know it will take awhile to feel truly comfortable and I guess I just have to put up with this horrible feeling until then.

I hope I make it out of here alive!!!!

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