Week 2:

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Week 2 consisted of 2 days of central nursing orientation (basically a bunch of lectures given by random higher ups) and 2 days of AM shift. I liked CNO because I clicked with more girls in my cohort. It was nice to get to know them and we exchanged number!

My shifts went well as well. I feel like I still need to be faster with getting vital signs on babies (bc they move their feet a lot I often have to redo it) and I still am overwhelmed with all the different situations I could be put into. I don't know how anything really works. This week i got to go down to the MRI and Fluroscopy rooms with patients so that was interesting. I've continued to give IV push, IV pump, and NG tube medications. I really know how to use the feeding pump at this point and was even teaching a family how to use it.

I still am reluctant about nursing, but something about this job still feels more positive than my last one. I do have to last at least a year, and I really hope I get there painlessly (or at least less depressing than I felt before)

Here's to week 3!



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