Chapter 5: First Impressions

Start from the beginning

Marinette: "He isn't a celebrity so I would have to take the pictures by hand and he doesn't like that very much so I only have the one I use for his contact."

Alya: "Let me see"

Marinette showed Alya the picture she took of Dante. It was him winking at Marinette while having a devious smirk on his face.

Alya: "I don't know about this Marinette. He is definitely handsome I will give you that, but he looks like a playboy."

Marinette: "I thought that at first too until we spent some time together. *mumbles* not to mention that incident."

Alya: was able to hear her mumble "What incident? You need to explain."

Marinette: 'Crap' "You're going to want to sit down. This is going to take awhile."

Marinette explained everything from hearing Dante perform on the guitar to him carrying her home in the rain. Alya didn't say anything she just hugged Marinette to which Marinette hugged back. After letting go Alya gained a huge smirk that Marinette knew all to well.

Alya: "So this is the hoodie he gave you?"

Marinette: "Yes"

Alya: "Thought so. A personal possession from the guy you like is quite a step up from your last crush. I'm wondering what kind of lewd things you did with it."

Marinette thought back to the last couple days where she pleasured herself while sniffing the hoodie. being brought back reality made her get a full face blush that Alya quickly noticed.

Alya: "Dang girl you act fast."

Marinette: "Don't make fun of me, everyone does it."

Alya: "haha relax I'm just messing with you girl. Now how much do you know about him?"

Marinette: "Honestly not much. I get the feeling that he likes to keep to himself and is not very trusting of others. What I do know is that he's from another country and he has been traveling the world for the past few years. He's multilingual and is very musically gifted. Not to mention he's super strong and incredibly brave. His family lives in his native country and that he lives a few blocks from here apparently."

Alya: "He sounds like quite the guy. Wait, what do you mean by apparently?" 

Marinette: "That is what he told me. I don't know where he lives specifically."

Alya: "Maybe you should invite yourself over and bring me along so I can do some old fashioned interrogation. Since he lives alone I'm sure he would have no problem having two hot girls in his place."

Marinette: "No Alya that's rude. You'll meet him soon enough."

Alya: "Aright, just know that I'm going to keep an eye on him. If he hurts you in any way then I'll kill him."

Marinette: "Then you will never have blood on your hands. I know that he would never do anything that would hurt me."

Alya: "We'll see about that."

Marinette and Alya spent the rest of the day today together just having fun and laughs while Alya throws in some teasing at Marinette for her crush. 

(Timeskip The next day)

Marinette was walking on her way to school trying not to be late for once. She decided to leave the hoodie at home cause it would raise all sorts of questions from her friends and Chloe would try to somehow ruin it which is something that should be avoided. She got to class and sat in her seat five minutes before it started which is a surprise for everyone as she was known to be almost always late. 

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