Chapter 4: A Chance Encounter

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Dante was enjoying his flight in his first class seat. Sure, he could have teleported to Paris using magic, But where's the fun in that plus he wouldn't be enjoying the wine that the flight provided. As he looked out the window he saw the sun start to rise over his destination, Paris the affectionately called city of love.

Dante: "We made it Kaitto."

Kaitto flew out of his hoodie pocket and looked out the window to see their new destination.

Kaitto: "So what is the plan on our new hunting grounds?"

Dante: "I would like to start by unpacking my stuff into my new apartment and check in with the school to let them know I made it to Paris. After that we will spend the next few days exploring every nook and cranny of this city since I don't have to start school until next week."

Kaitto: "Knowing the area before you begin a hunt is a good idea. Are you going to transform sometime soon?"

Dante: "No, I will wait a week or two before doing that so I won't be too suspicious to those so called heroes. They may not nearly be as strong as me, but I don't think they're that stupid and having them know my identity would cause some unnecessary problems for me."

Kaitto: "Fair enough. *Yawn* I'm still tired so I will take a nap in your pocket until we get to the apartment." Kaitto flies into Dante's jacket pocket.

Dante: "Sleep well."

After the plane lands and Dante's walks out the airport, he gets in a cab and heads to the apartment complex. It wasn't anything special to Dante, but they were still considered high end luxury apartments that most people wouldn't be able to afford. Upon arriving Dante pays the cab driver and goes into the landlady's office on the bottom floor.

Landlady: "Can I help you?"

Dante: "My name is Dante Barbatos, we spoke on the phone a couple days ago."

Landlady: "Oh, your the kid who wanted the deluxe apartment. Top floor, large balcony, triple the room space and soundproof walls. Geez, why do you need all this?"

Dante: "Personal reasons."

Landlady: "Well you paid for a year in advance so I guess it doesn't matter. Here's your key, if you lose it then I will have to charge you a fee to get a new one and the movers already put your stuff inside."

Dante: "Thanks"

Dante takes the key rides the elevator and enters his new apartment. He sees the large amount of boxes which is off course his stuff. Kaitto flies out of his pocket and sees the their new home.

Kaitto: "This place is niiicccee."

Dante: "It will do for the time being. As for right now I need to unpack and your helping."

Kaitto: "Crap, I should have stayed asleep."

It took a while to unpack everything and as Dante looked at the clock it was already the afternoon so he needed to get a move on.

Dante: "Come on Kaitto, we need to get going."

Kaitto: lays on the couch and being completely dramatic. "My poor aching body! I can't move a muscle!"

Dante: "Fine I'll go alone. Just know I won't be back till late so if you need something call my cell." 

Dante closes the door behind him and Kaitto grabs the remote to the TV and turns it on.

Kaitto: "hehe time to watch my Drama shows. Tissues? Check. Ice cream? Check. Extra remote in case I throw this one in anger? Check. Alright lets do this."

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