Chapter 2: The Depths of Despair

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The children of the orphanage were sound asleep while the head matron and her assistants were just preparing for the next day. The people outside are members of an organization named Phantom who kidnap and sell people who would not be missed and this orphanage is their next target. 

(RG=Random Guy) (RGB=Random Guy Boss)

RG1: "So what is the plan boss?"

RGB: "Put everyone in the orphanage to sleep, then I want you to take the kids into the van but, be sure that they are undamaged they are going to make us a lot of money."

RG2: "What about everyone else?"

RGB: "Kill them, they are of no use to us and with them dead we will be long gone before anyone knows what happened here."

RG1-4: "Yes sir."

The bosses goons went to work filling the orphanage with sleeping gas. With the masks on three of them went to the kids tying them up and blind folding them then carrying the kids into a transport van. The last goon just slit open the throats of all who worked there meaning that they would die from blood loss. With his job done he was walking outside he tripped and his knife slipped out of his hand and cut the left arm of the last kid they were carrying. 

RG4: "What the fuck man? the boss is going to be pissed now."

RG3: "It wasn't on purpose man I tripped. lets see if we can patch the kid up so the boss won't be as mad." he walked towards  the rest of them.

RG2: "Wait a minute, the cut is gone. The blood that spilled out is there, but the cut is already gone."

RG4: "The boss is going to want to know about this."

The four walked outside with the last kid and called out to their boss

RGB: "Is this the last one? wait is he hurt? You damn Idiots now this one won't be worth as much."

RG4: "Yes, but boss let us explain the situation."

After the four explained what happened to their boss he became intrigued and decided to see for himself. The boss pulled out his sword and cut the kid across the chest, seeing it heal back as if the cut never happened The boss was more than surprised.

RGB: "Remove the blindfold, let me look at the kids face." the goons did so and the boss started to laugh. "We just hit the jackpot boys, this kid is the son of Andreas Barbatos, and not only that but the kid can heal faster than anyone I know. Out of these thirty kids he is our big ticket item. put the blindfold back on and put him with the rest, we have to get moving."

they immediately took the kids to the black market and the Phantom organization was going to sell them off. first after they got to the black market they put all the kids into a room as they woke up, put them into white robes with blindfolds, handcuffs and put a magic collar around their necks that would send a magical electrical shock throughout their bodies if they tried to attack or disobey the one who held the magical mark that was connected to the collar.

The kids were sold into slavery one by one until eventually Dante was the only one left. He was escorted into the auction hall where a spotlight was set on him. The blindfold removed and Dante saw the whole audience letting out a gasp of surprise at the site of him.

 The blindfold removed and Dante saw the whole audience letting out a gasp of surprise at the site of him

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