Chapter 1: How it all began

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A person at some point in their life will ask themselves, How has the human race come to be? have we evolved from apes or were we created from some higher power? If there is some sort higher power than what is it? Does anything that we do ever matter? Is there any meaning to our existence?

The truth is a little more complex than people think. All the entities from the major religions are real with Earth being a shared project that all participated in. When the creation was finished each of the pantheons divided up the world into their own territories. The pantheons agreed to never directly interfere with each other's territory so as to not destroy all that they put effort into creating.

The different gods each thought they knew what was best for their creation and since they couldn't interfere directly, they would have something do it for them. Each of the pantheons worked a new small project that would be able to connect them to the world, this project called Humanity. Humans were given form, individuality, and knowledge that would make them unique to the rest of creation.

The gods stated the situation to the mortals very plainly, "you may do as you please with whatever you have, But should you choose to remain devoted to us then we shall continuously provide blessings upon you". From this communities of Humans developed different dialects, architecture, and traditions into their culture to reflect the gods as representations of their devotion. 

Due to this devotion the gods fulfilled their promise and gave humans blessings such as knowledge, inspiration, protection, and most importantly the ability to use magic. magic known as what breaks the rules of the world giving Humans to do what was considered impossible before. Humans were now to do feats such as creating fire from their hands or being able to fly through the sky without the need for wings like the birds. This however would not last forever for most civilizations unbeknownst to them.

As long as a civilization exists it will inevitably evolve and become more advanced. As technology was developed and people were understanding how to use nature to their benefit using what was known as science, the need for the gods and magic was becoming less and less and so lessened their devotion. most of humanity did not see the consequences of what this may bring except for 3 civilizations, those being the Aztecs, Norse, and Greeks. They came together and created a spell that would become the salvation to this inevitable threat. Using the magical energy of the world itself they created invincible magical domes that would cover the entirety of their lands to keep the rest of the world away so they could advance while keeping their connection to their pantheons. So long as their is life of any kind on Earth these domes would remain standing.

 So long as their is life of any kind on Earth these domes would remain standing

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(these are what the domes look like, ignore the ice)

As predicted, the rest of the world lost their devotion to the gods and as such lost their connection with them completely. The world tried to get past the domes as to claim even a fraction of the power they once had and failed to put even scratch on the domes eventually giving up the meaningless endeavor. As time went on the gods themselves became nothing more than myth and legend to humanity while magic became a fantasy. Humanity became a shell of its former self relying on the only thing they knew, logic and science to have them advance while the three countries in their domes were always at their peak magical and technological state due to their foresight.

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