Chapter 33: A Liar Returns

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Another day has come as Marinette enters Miss Bustier's class she sees everyone in the class is sitting next to someone except for Adrien, who is in Dante's usual spot and has an empty seat beside him. Dante was also missing from the class so she decided to ask Alya what's going on.

Marinette: "Alya, why has everyone switched seats?"

Nino: "Well since she's got a hearing issue, there's no way she can sit at the back of the class, right? Which means she needed a place up in the front."

Alya: "So to make it work Ivan sat next to Mylène, Nate sat next to Alix, besides she came up with the idea of moving Nino here, so now we get to spend more time together."

Marinette: "Who is this "she"?" (Miss Bustier enters the classroom)

Miss Bustier: "Good morning, students. I'm sure you've all heard by now, but Lila's home from her trip to Achu and she's back in school with us again."

Lila: (enters classroom) "Hi, everyone."

Class: "Hi, Lila."

Lila: "Oh, a seat in the front row! You all remembered my hearing issue! You're such sweethearts, all of you." (blows kisses)

Marinette: "You have a hearing problem, Lila?"

Lila: "Yes, I suffer from tinnitus, a constant ringing in my left ear. I've had it ever since the sound of an airplane engine burst my eardrum on the runaway when I was saving Jagged Stone's lost kitten."

Marinette: "Isn't Jagged Stone's pet a crocodile?"

Lila: "Now it is, yes. But he had a kitten until he found out he was allergic to it. The best part is, since you're such an excellent student, Adrien, you'll be able to help me catch up with all the schoolwork I missed while I was traveling with my parents. Would you do that for me?"

Adrien: "Ugh.." (slams his head on the desk)

Marinette: "Miss Bustier, why do I have to sit in the back now?"

Miss Bustier: "Do you have any trouble hearing or seeing, Marinette?"

Marinette: "Uh, I... I..."

Adrien: (trying to get away from Lila and Marinette) "My eyesight and hearing are good. I'll sit in the back of the class and you two can sit up front. I don't mind."

Marinette and Lila: "No!"

Lila: "My return is causing so much trouble, maybe I should have just stayed on the other side of the world. If Marinette has an issue too, then I should be the one to go and sit in the back. It's okay."

The class gasps and glares at Marinette with an angry expression.

Marinette: "I don't actually have any trouble seeing or hearing. I mean..."

Miss Bustier: "Good, so there's no problem then. You sit here, Lila, Adrien, you stay where you are and, Marinette, you sit in the back row."

Marinette and Lila go and sit in their seats. Lila was going to laugh but was cut short when Dante entered the classroom. Everyone became silent as they were watching how Dante would react to this change. Dante was going to say something until he sees an empty seat next to Marinette which really lightened his mood and thus allowing everyone else to relax. As Dante walked to his new seat Lila nudged Adrien to get his attention.

Lila: "Who was that?" (Sees Dante casually chat with Marinette)

Adrien: "That's Dante Barbatos. He transferred in shortly after you went on hiatus. Just stay out of his way and you'll be fine. Otherwise you might end up in the hospital."

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