Together at last! (Ghoul!Seidou x Akira) -Ending

Start from the beginning

"I know him, and...your brother's not dead. He's alive!" Seina's eyes widen, her eyes shine and glimmer. She couldn't believe it.

"Are you serious...? How is he, is he okay?!" Akira nods. "He's at my place... You have no idea what happened to him, so much has happened!"

Seina stands up. "You have to take me to him! Please! Unless this is a sick joke!" Akira shakes her head. "It's not a joke, he's alive! I never knew you were still around!"

Seina grabs Akira's hand, and Akira takes her along. She picks up the bags along the way.

Time skip

"Seidou, I'm home!" Silence. Akira turns to Seina. "Stay hidden for a little, I wanna surprise him." Seina nods.

Akira notices the place is a total mess, was it Seidou's doing, or was it somebody else's doing?

Suddenly, the white haired male clings onto Akira.

"Akira, I'm so sorry! I panicked and made a huge mess, I was so worried!" Akira blushes immensely. "S-Seidou! You're crushing me! I'm here now, it's alright!" Seidou clings even more tightly.

"Please, call me next time!" "Alright Seidou, now let go!"

Seidou hesitated for a little, then he obliged.

"Did you have fun? How was everyone?" Akira clears her throat. "Everything went fine, though...I did meet someone." Seidou tilts his head. "Oh really? That's nice." Akira smirks slightly.

"And I think you them too." Seidou perks up. "Oh, wow! Really? Who are they Akira?" Akira sighs, then moves away from the hidden female.

Seidou's eyes widen. He instantly recognized the female.

"S-Seina...?" Seina looks up, and nods gently. "Hey," Her mouth hangs wide open.

"What's wrong Seina?" "Y-Your's white!" Seidou touches his own hair. "Oh...Oh, that. Well, it's a long story. Maybe I'll tell you about it sometime." Seina reaches her hands out to touch his face.

"Your look exhausted. What happened to you exactly? You're still my big brother, right? I mean, you know... The Seidou full of life, happy, helpful. Please tell me you are still that brother."

Seidou suddenly looks really sad. "I have the memories, I know I am him physically. But...after everything that happened to me, that Seidou might as well be dead..." Seina covers her mouth. She then looks over at Akira.

Akira sighs. "He...became something else. He'll tell you, just don't freak out..."

Seina looks back at her brother, confused. "Big brother..." Seina becomes serious. "Tell me."

Seidou sighs deeply, then covers his left eye. Soon, he reveals a single kakugan.

Seina gasps, while Seidou calmly explains. "I... After the battle, I was captured by Aogiri. They...did this to me! They turned me into a monster!"

Akira steps in. "Seidou, I keep telling you, you're not a monster!" Seidou sighs. "Akira, I'm a freak. What the hell am I supposed to be if I can't be just human or ghoul?!" Akira shakes her head.

"Seidou, you're you! Just, continue telling your sister. She deserves to know."

Seidou sighs deeply. "So yeah...they turned me into a ghoul. I wish I could tell you more Seina, but it's hard enough telling Akira." Seina looks at her older brother, she then chuckles lightly.

She then hugs him tightly. "I don't care that you're this way now! Because deep down, I know the brother I had is still in there. And if that means we have to help you, then so be it! I love you Seidou, you''re my best friend!" Seidou just freezes, surprisingly he didn't cry, no matter how much he really wants to let it out.

He was really hurt and damaged for far too long, and needed some sense of relief.

Seina pulls away from him, then she looks at Akira.

"Thank you...Thank you so much for-! Hey wait a minute, how do you know my brother anyway?"

Akira giggles. "We were classmates at the academy, even colleagues at CCG. And...And..." Akira blushes softly, she holds her own face with her hand. Seidou walks up to the flustered female, holding her hand.

"Seina, Akira is...somebody special to me. She and I...She... She's my girlfriend."

Seina looks at the pair, shocked. It all came back to her! Akira Mado, that's the girl Seidou always complained about!

"Seidou, I thought you were jealous of her in the academy! She was way in front of you!" Seidou blushes immensely.

"Seina..." He twitched his left eyebrow. "That stuff is all...water under the bridge. I've always admired her, but...I was too frustrated at the time to notice." Seina snaps her fingers.

"That makes sense! You were always too arrogant for anything." Seidou grunts. "Was not!" "Was to!" "Was not!" "Was to!" "Was-!" Suddenly the small snickering from Akira was heard.

"Goodness! Hahahaha! You two are such cliche siblings, even after everything that has happened!" The two siblings blush with major embarrassment. Akira calms down soon after her laughing fit.

"Still though...I'm glad Seidou has at least one part of his family back. I do hope you can see us more..." Seina smiles gently and nods.

"Sure I will, I might even bring Rocky with me-!" "You have Rocky?!" Shouts Seidou. He clears his throat.

"I-I mean...that sounds great." Seina sighs. "Well...I should go." Seina heads to the door, but before she leaves, she turns to Akira.

"Oh, and Mado... Take good care of my brother." Akira nods. "I will, I promise." And just like that, Seina is gone.

Seidou holds Akira gently by each other's side, he smirks slightly then faces her.

He lifts her up above the ground, spinning her around ever so gleefully. "This is fantastic! I can't believe you found her, I can't believe it! Hahaha! I haven't felt this happy since, chose me!" Akira starts laughing along.

"How can I ever pay you back?" He puts the female down, and she smiles warmly, placing her hand on his face.

"Seeing you smile is enough for me..." Seidou sighs, then looks down slightly sadder. "I wish Mom and Dad were still around, they would've been so proud to see me with such a lovely and caring woman."

Akira places her forehead onto Seidou's. "Yeah, they would've been... Seidou?" "Hmm?" She pecks his lips with a tiny kiss. "I love you, you know that right?"

Seidou nuzzles his nose onto hers. "Of course I know that. Because I love you too."

Akira gives him another kiss, a lasting one this time. Once they stop, they look into each other's eyes, Seidou sighs.

"We should really get married one of these days." Akira blushes immensely. "Seidou!" "Sorry, sorry! I know we're not ready to talk about it, I just got a little carried away." Akira pouts. "You keep teasing me..."

Maris Stella rubs herself onto both Akira and Seidou's legs lovingly. Akira picks up the cat.

"Look at us, we're like a little family already. So be it a slightly broken family, it's still a family..." Seidou hugs both Akira and Maris Stella gently. "I can agree to that."

The End

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