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Nick's POV

I death glare Joe as he walks in the bathroom for the one hundred time.

" He must drink a lot of water " Mason mumbles obviously knowing that's not the case.

I stare down the door for like two minutes until I say fuck it and get up. I grab a penny from my dresser and unlock the door and walk in.

" What'd you do? " I ask Joe who's just sitting on the bathroom floor with his head on the wall, looking at the ceiling.

" Nothing " he says with no emotion in his voice at all. He usually only speaks like that when he's having a depression episode.

" Stand up uce " I hear. I turn around and see Josh, one of Joe's cousins.

Joe doesn't listen so Josh groans and pulls his sleeves up forcefully. I look at Joe shocked when there's no cuts.

" Are you done? " Joe ask again with no emotion.

Me, Mason and Josh just look at each other wondering if this mother fucker switched up so he wouldn't get caught.

" I'm going to Colby " we hear Joe then watch him walk out the hotel.

" Uhh text Colby? " Josh says but more like suggest it.

I pull out my phone quickly.

Me: pretty sure Joe having a episode
Colby: how bad?
Me: bad
Me: we looked at his arms and nothing was there but he keeps walking in the bathroom and walking out minutes later

Colby: I'll check him he just walked in
Me: ok let me know

I hear Josh laugh making me look at him questioning.

" Remember when you and Colby wanted to kill each other? " He ask.

I scoff at him and lay down on Mason.

" Now look at you two, detectives on Joe's life "

Colby's POV

I put my phone down as Joe walks in and face plants himself on the bed.

" Mood " I say. Because honestly, I felt that on a spiritual level.

" It's bright " he complains making me chuckle. He hates any form of light. Even just light from a tv. He hates it.

I grab the tv remote turning it off then turn off both lamps making it completely pitch black.

" Better? " I ask after a couple minutes of not talking. He's definitely having an episode.

An episode is a depression episode. Which can either be not speaking words for hours or it can be not eating, eating too much, sleeping, not sleeping, staring blankly at nothing, excessive crying.

And it can last for several non stop days or weeks, even months.

He doesn't answer he just pulls the blanket over his head. When that doesn't work he grabs the pillow and holds it on his head.

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