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Jon's POV

" Lopez family? " I hear. I look up to see a nurse looking real sad. My eyes tear up knowing Colby's gone. Just as Renee goes to walk out sobbing a bunch of nurses and doctors start screaming saying ' he woke '. They all start running into Colby's room yelling frantically. I grab Joe when he tries to go in there. " Code red! Code red! "

" Jon what's happening? " I hear Dolph ask. I turn to look at him seeing he's crying a lot. Wow that's surprising. I shrug not knowing. I manage to get Joe to sit down. I grab Renee and set her on Joe so Joe won't fly up to get to Colby. If she's on him he won't do that so he won't hurt her.

" We need to sedate him fast! " a doctor yells. My eyes widen and I quickly grab Dolph who tries to run in the room. The usos quickly help me and grab him holding him in place. I hear a bunch of beeping coming from the room followed by a ' we're losing him '. I turn to look at Joe who whined after hearing that. Renee quickly turns her head and puts her face in Joe's chest not wanting to see what's happening anymore. The beeping stops and Dolph screams ' no '. Josh grabs him quickly pinning him still to the wall. The beeping comes back and I let out a breath.

" Sir we need you to calm down. You're at a hospital and you are alive " a doctor in the room says. Oh thank fuck. Thank fuck they saved him. " Where's Joe? I want Joe! " I hear Colby sob. I turn to Joe and he tries to get up but Renee prevents it. " Sir we need you to- " a doctor goes to say but gets cut off by Colby screaming.

" I WANT JOE!! " he screams catching the doctors by surprise as they quickly rush out the room. " Who's Joe? " a nurse ask. I point to Joe and the nurse signals for him to follow her. Renee quickly hops off Joe as he rushes up and quickly follows the lady. They get to Colby's door and she tells Joe to stand still.

" Ok here's Joe he's right here ok? " the nurse tells him calmly. " No! He's to far away! " Colby cries and reaches his arms out to Joe. " We need to sedate you Colby " the nurse tells him. Colby tries to get up but they hold him down making Joe curse at them. " You don't need to fucking sedate me! I'll calm the hell down if you give me Joe! " Colby yells at them. The nurse that came and got Joe looks at me questioning.

" He really will calm down if you let Joe go to him " I tell her and she goes back in the room. Once the doctors have Colby laying down they let Joe go. Joe goes to his side and Colby sits up and wraps his arms around his neck hugging him. That instantly calms Colby and the doctors look surprised. The doctors shrug and walk the room leaving Joe and Colby be.

" How the fuck did that work? " a doctor ask me making us all chuckle. " They're dating " I tell him. He makes a face of awe. " That's adorable! " he says making us chuckle again. I look and see them still hugging. That's fucking cute.

" So what exactly happened? " I ask.
" Ok well a miracle happened really " the doctor starts making me shocked already. This should be stunning. " He was in a very severe coma that only one in a million people wake up from " the doctor tells me and my jaw drops. One in a million? Holy fuck! That's insane! " Well when he woke up he was of course confused so that frightened him. He freaked him out even more when we all ran in there so he became violent. We were going to sedate him as you know but all of a sudden he died " the doctor continues.

" He died!? " we all yell shocked. The doctor nods. " Yes he died then came right back seconds later. Then become violent again and that's when he started screaming for Joe. In all of my twenty five years of being a doctor I have never once experienced this " he tells us. No wonder Dolph screamed ' no ' when the beeping stopped.

" So what would you call this? " I ask. " Well considering he woke up from this coma and then died then came back we'd say that he had saw someone he really cared about who is dead. He had a near death experience. Not just one but two " the doctor explains and I hear Renee gasp so I look at her.

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