Rest easy Cameron Boyce 💔👼

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I can't believe this. My heart is so heavy with the news of your loss. An ongoing medical condition. You never know when something can happen with your health.
Cameron I remember coming home everyday from school so excited to turn on the TV and see your face. You are funny and so talented. You made the world laugh with just a simple gesture. Whatever show you were on whether it was Jessie or Decendants you always managed to make me smile and laugh. Your smile let alone could just brighten my whole day. You were and still are such an inspiration to me and lots of others. I always wanted to be like you. To inspire so many faces. To make so many people laugh and smile. You did that. You made so many people happy in just twenty years of your life. You died so young and accomplished so much. You did so much in such little time. I truly can't wrap my head around the fact that you're gone. At first I thought this was some hoax. Just some stupid internet hoax. But it's not. You are really gone. I can't believe it. I'm truly heartbroken. It's heartbreaking that we can't see your smiling face anymore. That we can't hear your sweet little laugh. We will never see your face on TV again and that's heart wrenching. I can't feel anymore sadness for your family and friends. I can't imagine what their going through. I looked at my phone this morning at the news of your death and I was sad and confused. But I started reading more into it and I just couldn't help but cry. To cry for everyone. You are going to be missed so much. When I look up at the sky I hope to see your freckled face. I remember you once said that we have to follow our dreams but as we follow our dreams we have to always keep being ourselves no matter what. And that message. That message stood out to me. I'm going to take those words and use them in my life. Everyday I'm going to follow my dreams and stay true to myself. So thank you Cameron. Thank you and R. I. P angel you will be missed.

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