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                           Colby's POV

I'm still not understanding what the FUCK is going on. Joe won't speak unless it's to Jon and that's rare. Jon is fucking freaking out and shit. We're on a private plane so it's just me, Renee, Jon, Joe, the usos, and Trinity.
" Joe " I say standing up to look at him. He's in the seat behind me. Jon is sitting next to him. He doesn't respond so I roll my eyes and climb over Renee who's sitting next to me. Jon trades seats with me. " Leatì " I say wanting to know what the actual hell happened. He looks at me hating being called by his real name.

" Ok before you piss him off. Eight years ago Joe dated this girl named Galina. They got married blah blah. A year later he started having feelings for you and Galina found out and she told him he had to pick either you or her. Meaning she wasn't going to let you two near each other. So he said fuck you and they got divorced. She is an asshole who took his now eight year old daughter away and doesn't let them have contact at all. Now I guess she got hurt somehow and she's dying in the hospital. So now you know what the fuck is happening don't raise your voice and be rude to someone while their fucking child is dead " Jon says to me then sits back down. Joe just looks back out the window.

" Is that who Joelle is? " I ask. Jon doesn't respond. " Yes " Joe says.

                             Joe's POV

Colby is angry. He's all the way in the back of the plane away from us all. Jon is sitting by Renee in front of me. The usos and Trinity are sitting across from me. I hear Colby whisper the f word making Jon stand up to look at him. " What are doing? " Jon ask him. " Nothing I dropped my phone on my face and it hurt " Colby tells him. Either Jon believes him or he doesn't care because he sits back down. Maybe five minutes go by and I hear him curse again. Jon stands back up and walks back there.

" The fuck are doing? " I hear Jon ask. Renee looks back there then quickly gets up and walks over there. That concerns me so I stand up and look at them. I see Jon smack Colby but not really hard enough to hurt him. " Bitch " Colby calls him and Jon smacks him again. " Stop before I get Joe " Jon says. Oh great. He's probably doing some stupid shit. " I don't give a fuck " Colby argues back. Jon looks at me seeing I'm watching. " He's already watching you so stop before he walks over here " Jon says trying to grab at something it looks like.

" I don't give a fuck. You act like he going to do something " Colby says. That makes me get up and start walking back there. " Oop you a dumbass he coming " Jon says and him and Renee sit across from him. He's laying down and his wrist is bleeding. I grab him out his seat and shove him in the bathroom. I shove him against the wall making him call me a bitch. I grab some tissue and hold it on his wrist. " Told you " Jon says. " Oh boy big deal he's making it not bleed ahh oh no " Colby says in a fake scared voice. I roll my eyes and take the tissue away once the cut stops bleeding. He takes his nails and scratches at it making me shove him on the ground.

" I'm gonna fucking hit you " I growl at him. He just rolls his eyes and sits up but doesn't stand up. " You don't scare me " he argues.
" I'm not supposed to " I say to him and smack him upside the head when he scratches at his wrist again. " Cunt " he calls me and stands up. " Stop it " I say sternly pinning him against the wall. He just rolls his eyes and kicks at me. " I swear to god if you don't fucking stop I will hit you " I tell him about to punch his dumbass.

" I don't fucking care bitch " he barks back. That pisses me off so I punch him in the jaw. He then attacks me to the floor and punches me back. I just grab his hands quickly so he doesn't punch me again. He keeps squirming around trying to get out of my grip but he soon gives up and just lays on me. After a couple minutes Jon stands at the door looking at us. I just shrug and he walks away. " Ok I'm calm now let me go " Colby mumbles. I don't so he tries to get out the grip but fails. " Joeee " he whines. I chuckle and shake my head no.

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