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                               Joe's POV
( Trigger warning. Suicide attempt so if that will trigger you in anyway please skip this)

" Fuck " I whisper grabbing my ringing phone before it can wake Colby up. Ugh it's Dolph. The fuck he calling me at four in the morning for. I get up walking out the room answering it.
" What do you need? " I ask grumpy as I step outside onto the patio.

" I didn't know who else to call " he says. He seems to be crying. For the last week he has been very distant with everyone. Even Renee and they are best friends.
" About what? " I ask him sitting down on one of the chairs out here. He's quite for a moment making a awkward silence.
" There's been a suicide " he says and my eyes widen. Who the fuck killed themselves. I mean I know he has a sister who is very depressed but she's in a safe house so she has to way to kill herself.

" Who is it? Is it your sister? " I ask him. I hear him doing something in the background making me a little uneasy.
" Tell Rollins I'm sorry.. " he says.
" Nick? What are you doing? Who killed themselves? Are you ok? " I ask standing up walking into the house to see Jon staring at me wondering what the fuck I'm doing. The background noise stops and I shush Jon before he can say anything.

" I did " Nick says then I hear a gunshot.
" Nick!! Nick!! Hello!! Can you hear me!? " I yell quickly grabbing my shoes and keys. Nothing no answer. " Fuck! " I yell throwing my phone down.

" What happened? " Jon ask and Renee and Colby step out the rooms. " Nick just shot himself. " I say grabbing my keys.
" What!? " Renee yells. I walk out and they all follow me. We get in the car and I start speeding to the hotel. Colby starts calling someone.
" Balor I need you to go into Nick's hotel room and see if he's alive. He just shot himself " Colby says to Balor I can't hear Balor on the other end of the line. About three minutes later I pull into the parking lot of the hotel not even parking in a parking spot. I quickly run out running into the hotel and up the stairs to Nick's room. I walk in seeing Balor there already slapping Nick's face trying to wake him up. There's blood everywhere and Nick's on the ground with a gun next to him. I didn't know Renee was next to me until she screamed so loud people start to walk out of the rooms.

" What the fuck!! " I hear my cousin yell.
I walk fully in the room as Jon is grabbing Renee. I kick Balor away. " The fuck are you people just fucking standing here for!! Somebody call a damn ambulance!! " I scream and Colby goes to move the gun but I slap his hand away. " And nobody touch the fucking gun! " I yell and Colby backs away from me scares. I ignore him and put my fingers on Nick's neck to see if there's a pulse. There is one but it's very faint and it's going slowly away.

" Let me gooo!! I wanna see him let go of me!! " I hear Renee yelling to Jon sobbing.
" Did he kill himself? " Alexa Bliss ask me in the phone with I'm assuming the police.
" Yes he called me saying there has been a suicide and then he shot himself " I tell her as all the superstars are in this room are the hallway looking in to see what happened.
" Is he breathing? " I hear Colby next to me ask. I jump a little not knowing he was that close. I nod to him and I hear someone telling people to move. I look over and see police and doctors with a stretcher. I move and grab Colby's hand moving him out the way for the people.

" Who is the person he was on the phone with at the time? " A police officer ask as another one is telling people to go back to there rooms. " I am " I say to him. He nods and walks over to me.
" I'll need to ask a few questions to fully understand the situation. Is that ok? " He ask me. I nod and he looks at Colby making him kinda hide behind me. " Who's that? " The officer ask nodding his head towards Colby. " My boyfriend " I tell the officer and he nods then points over to Jon and Renee.
" Who are they? " He ask.

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