Inner Demons

419 38 28

This poem was edited by my dear friend Lunden 

Why did you build your house

Over the graves you dug

For those who you said

Were dead to you

Sending your children

To play in the traps

Your enemies have set for you

Having your demons

Come over for dinner

And sit at a table

Set for one

At the other side of the table

Lays a psycho note

And a gun

Coupled with a knife

That cuts and leaves

Hairline fractures on your body

Caused by every word

You ever heard,

You let get under your skin

You fell in love with the idea of burning

Your victory banner

And letting the ones

Who doubted you

Who said you couldn't win

Light the match

They walk along with you

To the grocery store,

The library,

The laundry mat,

They are hoping that everything will catch

On fire.

And it will spread to your home,

And you won't be able to leave

How your inner demons have taken over

Because you have given them the key 

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