Fight Me

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"Hey, Corvan! You remember how you beat Val at the Festival not too long ago," Tamara randomly blurted out during dinner. The rest of the Circle continued eating as if she had never spoken, but they were listening none the less. Valeriana unwillingly felt her shoulders tense up at the mention of the duel between her and Corvan. The first ranker just quirked an eyebrow up as he waited for Tamara to finish her thought.

Overall, it was a good duel and the outcome was expected with Corvan winning. Valeriana had even managed to land a few blows on the first ranker and she really had him in a tight spot with that wrestling move!

"Well, I've already fought her once since she got back from her little adventure, and I had a hard time keeping up with her. Do you think you could beat her again," the red headed asked slyly. Corvan simply scoffed before taking a drink of his water.

"Excuse me. Would you care to elaborate," Valeriana asked with a sickly sweet smile. Yeah, Corvan was her boyfriend, but that didn't mean she couldn't kick his ass.

"Do you not remember the outcome from our duel?"

"Yeah. You finally got a haircut, you arrogant bastard," the fifth ranker simply said before nonchalantly returning to her meal.

"I also kept my position as the first ranker. Although you have improved drastically, it doesn't mean you would beat me in another duel," Corvan said almost matter-of-factly, which just pissed the honey golden blond off even more.

"If you want to keep that position, I would shut up you IDIOT DEVIL," the fifth practically yelled as she stood from her chair," If you're so sure that you can win, then why don't we meet in the training yard tomorrow before classes-"

"If you're challenging me, Valeriana Kerrigan, then you will do so formally or not at all," Corvan said through gritted teeth.

"Fine. I, Valerian Kerrigan, fifth ranker of the Celestial Circle, challenge Corvan von Vaushna de la Wylden, first ranker of the Celestial Circle, to a duel in three days time. Do you accept?"

Heavy silence settled in the dining room. Even Keelan had stopped eating to focus on the now intense exchange between the two, and Brindon showed shock. Well, his eyes were a little larger than normal at the very least. Rowe's jaw had dropped and Tamara kept opening and closing her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but, for the first time ever, was speechless.

Corvan's face was bright red and steamed trailed out of his flared nostrils. They were betrothed. Did she seriously just challenge him to an actual duel? Then again, he had forced her to make it a formal duel. He wasn't concerned about the security of his position, but Corvan was afraid of hurting her...very much like the last time. He could simply reject the offer, but he had backed himself into this corner.

"I accept."


After their rather intense discussion, Valeriana stomped up to her room to take a few moments to herself. She knew she was going to have to start her training, but since Lady Seraphina was still missing, she would have to figure this one out on her own.

Why did she take the bait? Corvan loved to piss her off and this time it's leading to her humiliation. Even with all the extra training she had received over the past year, it didn't mean she would be able to hold her own against the Cold Prince. She barely managed last time.

"You've really done it this time, Val! He's going to kick your ass," she said to herself as she pinched the bridge of her nose between her pointer finger and thumb. After allowing herself to sulk momentarily, she gathered her training equipment and made her to way to the same place she had trained for all her other duels before.


Valeriana wasn't the only one had lost her appetite. Corvan was absolutely furious that he would have to prepare for another duel with the stupid girl. He was so irritated that he was muttering under his breath as he warmed up by slicing a training dummy to ribbons.

"Lord Corvan. I apologize for interrupting you while you're preparing for your duel."

"What do you need, Lord Charles," Corvan asked irritably.

"I don't need anything. I just wanted to offer you some advice. Don't take it easy on her or give her an opening whatsoever because Valeriana will take it. You're not fighting the same person as before. Valeriana is now experienced in combat, and she's fought you one on one before. Take this duel seriously."

Corvan never turned as Charles spoke, but he knew that Charles was telling the truth. Not only had Valeriana's fighting style changed, but so had her mindset. He was about to be fighting one of the people that knew him best. For the first time, Corvan realized that this wouldn't be an easy win.

If he won at all.

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