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"Valeriana, we have to be very quiet," Corvan said to her as he gently pulled her down with him behind a large rock. He winced as he put pressure on the cut located on his upper thigh.

"What do we do," Valeriana said as she quickly wiped the sweat from her brow as she peeked from behind the rock.

Yesterday, Headmaster Kylon had approached them both with a mission in the mountains of Larkovia that was supposed to be easy. Instead, they had been tiptoeing their way around a nest of demons as they waited to hear back from the CDD. Eventually they were discovered, where they both fell into a crevice that had been situated into the mountain side.

Neither of the two were prepared for the rather long drop that would follow and Corvan had managed to hurt himself pretty bad during it. He could still walk, but he was losing blood faster than either of them really liked.

"Okay, I don't think they-Corvan! Where did you go, you idiot devil," Valeriana exclaimed as she frantically searched for her hurt companion, but only found a small puddle of blood from where he had been sitting. She stood quickly and stepped out further into the cavern. She was a bit wary to go too far since the sunlight from the crevice above only stretched so far.

Her heart began to pound ferociously in her chest and her hair stood on end. Valeriana pulled her sword out of it's sheath. She was worried about Corvan, but she couldn't help him if she was dead.

Suddenly, sarcastic laughter filled the cavern and echoed off its walls. She wrinkled her forehead in confusion as the sound was familiar. She knew that laugh.

"C-Corvan? Where are you? Why are you laughing like that," she called into the darkness. Out of nowhere, someone yanked her roughly by the wrist as it forced her to spin towards them. Valeriana roughly collided with a muscular chest and she looked up as she made eye contact with who should've been Corvan.

But it wasn't.

Instead of seeing his normal emerald eyes, they had been replaced by blood red ones. Her heart thundered in her chest as she saw his aura that had turned pure black. That same chilling laugh escaped from his mouth and he flashed a breath taking smile.

Honestly, if this had really been Corvan then her knees probably would've gave out, but this wasn't her Corvan. He grabbed her roughly by the neck and slammed her against the cave wall. Her head bounced off the rough rock and her vision slightly blurred. Valeriana scratched and tried to pull off the iron grip that Corvan had around her neck, but he only allowed his body to begin to heat up in response.

"Let me go! Corvan! Stop," Valeriana choked out.

"Sorry, darling. Corvan isn't here anymore," the demon sneered before a knife materialized out of thin air and sliced her stomach wide open. He allowed her to fall to her knees as she coughed up blood. Corvan kicked her over roughly with his foot and that same maniacal laugh left his body.

He kneeled down next to her and grabbed her chin as he forced Valeriana to look at him and he grinned,"Wow, this kid really loved you. Too bad."

He put one hand on either side of her head and the temperature around them began to rise. Valeriana felt her blood begin to literally boil as she screamed. Her heart had stopped and the last thing she heard was that demon laughing as she turned into dust.


"Wake up, you stupid witch!"

Valeriana jerked into an upright sitting position causing her to head butt the first-ranker. He staggered backwards holding his forehead with his eyes held tightly shut. Corvan shot the fifth-ranked a glare that would've scared Vladis himself, but the only thing she noticed was the color of his eyes. They were the same emerald they had always been.

"Oh my gods, you're not a demon," she exclaimed as she jumped out of her bed to capture him in a hug. Being caught off guard, Corvan slightly stumbled backwards and patted her back awkwardly. A few of the other members stumbled into Valeriana's room in varying states of dress. Rowe, Charles and Corvan were all three shirtless while Tamara was in some sort of night gown.

Seeing the rest of the Circle, Corvan blushed and tried to pry the fifth-ranker off of him, but the other four simply just gave him smug looks and Tamara even winked. As quick as they came, they all left without Valeriana even realizing they had seen a thing.

"Get off of me, you-are you crying? Why are you crying," Corvan asked a bit flustered. He was the heir to Arlandia, but had no idea how to console a crying girl. Valeriana slowly unattached herself from his torso and wiped her bloodshot eyes.

"I had a nightmare, I think. Sorry, it just really shook me up."

Corvan raised an eyebrow at the honey-golden blond. "Well, what happened?"

" do I put basically turned into this demon and you killed me. You literally burned me until I turned into ashes."

His brow furrowed at her words, and Corvan gently hugged the upset girl again.

"Val, I can guarantee I'm not a demon and I promise not to burn you to ashes even though you are rather dull most of the time. Now, quit your crying and get back to bed. We have classes in a few hours," Corvan said very gently as he tenderly rubbed his hand up and down her back.

Simply nodding her head, Valeriana crawled back into bed and Corvan pulled the covers around her and kissed her on her forehead. Slowly, so as not to wake her, Corvan made his way to the door and turned off her light.

"Sweet dreams, Valeriana."

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