Home for the Holidays

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Sooo someone requested a final part to Holly Jolly where Corvan gets to experience the human world during the holidays!!! I hope you guys enjoy, and please send in requests. I have a few ideas in mind, but I seem to have some writer's block going on 😕 don't forget to vote and comment!

Packing in two hours was a rush for the first and fifth rankers, especially since they would have to track Corvan down some human clothes. Thankfully, Headmaster Kylon had thought ahead and was prepared with plenty of clothes for whoever Valeriana chose to take with her.

Overall, nobody was truly surprised at Valeriana's decision to bring Corvan along with her to the human world. After Arlandia, the two had formed a strong connection to one another, even if it was one they ignored.

Corvan didn't seem enthused to be wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, but he did understand why Valeriana preferred them over the clothing worn at the academy. They were just much more comfortable. He was a bit confused with the tennis shoes since shoelaces aren't used in traditional shoes, especially those used for combat. Valeriana actually had to walk him through the process of putting on a brand new pair of Converse as she laced hers up.

"They're brand new, so they'll be a bit uncomfortable until they're broken in," the fifth ranker explained as she finished tying her shoes.

Corvan simply huffed through his nose as he copied her motions.

Valeriana was really surprised at how...human Corvan looked in what she considered normal clothes. Honestly, he looked like a young college student that was rushing from one lecture to the next. The only thing missing was the cup of coffee, a cellphone and anxiety.

"The portal is ready. Are you two ready to go? There isn't too much time left," Headmaster Kylon said as he entered the small annex room the first and fifth tanker were in. Corvan looked a bit out of sorts as he stood and shifted his weight from one foot to the other. The Headmaster bit back a smile as the first ranker adjusted the red hoodie he was wearing.

Valeriana, on the other hand, looked completely comfortable in what she called "boyfriend jeans", a black sweatshirt with a flannel over top of it. Her hair was down and a scrunchie was secured on her wrist.

"Let's go," Valeriana practically squealed as she grabbed her book bag and rushed for the door. Corvan picked up his bag, placing it on his back before he followed the overly excited fifth ranker.

He pretended not to hear the headmaster chuckling behind them.


Corvan had traveled through the portal hundreds of times before to many parts of Valmenia, but he had never traveled to another dimension. Before the two stepped through the portal, Headmaster Kylon gave them specific instructions on how to re-enter Valmenia upon their return. Without a second thought, the two companions stepped through quickly, the smile never dropping from Valeriana's face.

The air was crisp, much like Larkovia, but the air had a strange smell to it. It seemed almost metallic or like a chemical that the first-ranker wasn't sure if he was fond of. While Valeriana took a deep breath in, Corvan sneezed loudly at the new allergens filling his senses.

Before she could stop herself, the fifth ranker began to laugh loudly as Corvan slightly blushed and wrinkled his nose.

"Welcome to the human world, Corvan! Oh, and bless you," Valeriana said merrily as she took off towards the nearest sidewalk. The two had landed in the middle of a park that was only a few blocks from the Kerrigan Household.

"Oh! Before I forget, Mom is going to literally feed you every five minutes. She's Hispanic, so be prepared. Annnnd she's probably going to ask a lot of questions about school and where I've been, but she doesn't know the academy exists or about Dad being from Valmenia, so we're gonna be careful on that subject, okay?"

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