"Kindly move you jackass," I said, my fear filter all but gone. My brain wanted to let itself be known so here I was, cursing like a sailor.

A grin came to the giant's face and for a moment I thought he would comply but to my horror, he used a hand to slowly move me back inside and closed the door, blocking him from my view of freedom.

"I don't think I've ever seen him smile like that without killing someone as he did. You are truly interesting child." Turning to him in outrage I stormed up to his desk and slammed my hands down. I didn't not like being called a child.

"Child? Excuse me buddy but you look maybe six years older than me and yet you have the gull to call me a child?" The same smirk was still on his face but his eyes started to show signs that he was not liking my attitude towards him. Something in me clicked at this and I took a step back from the desk, noticing that Derek was gone.

It was just me and the 'boss'.

"Why don't you take a seat? We have much to discuss." I wanted to refuse, to run back to the door and climb over the giant if I had to to get out. But seeing no other way, I sat back in the chair I had been in, crossing my arms and legs appearing annoyed.

"So what do you want with me?" His face never changed from the grin he had. He stood and walked around his desk to stand before me, his body leaning against the desk for support.
"My name is Alexander Dorian, head of the rising Dorian group conglomerate. My organization runs.. special rings of financial intake to better further the goals of the people. Our targets are rich people with too much money and time on their hands. We take a little bit of what they have and donate it to a better cause." I had never heard of any of this and even especially the Dorian group.

"What does this have to do with me?" Why was I here if this guy had access to rich people and footmen? I lived paycheck to paycheck at a dead end office job and am not really even strong enough to do all but lift maybe forty pounds at most. My body was thin but curvy in a way that brought many men to my bed and my looks I had been told by many were undoubtedly above par. Good genes I always said, but I never knew my parents since I had been in the foster system my whole childhood. Any talents I had were luck at best and I spent my time singing karaoke with my friends and caring for my hair that I had nursed for many years to be long and beautiful.

"Sing a few bars for me," he stated, his smile vanishing to show a stone cold expression. Seeing no reason to question it I sang a few lines from the song my friends and I had sang earlier at the bar. The boss's eyes had closed and he nodded in time to my song. After I had stopped, a thoughtful expression showed on his face as he took his seat.

"Miss Sophia Black, aged 24, birthday in May. Lives at address 1381 East Bartholomew Str-"

"How do-"

"I know everything about you Miss Black. I know that you hate your job, that you spend quite a bit of money maintaining your hair, and that you go to karaoke every Wednesday with your friends because you don't work Thursday and can drink to your hearts content." This guy knew me better than I knew myself. Everything he had said was true, even down to why I drank and partied on Wednesdays.

"If you know me so much then why not get to the point? Nothing I say will make a shred of difference to deter you from what you know of me." He opened a drawer on his desk and pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to me. Tentatively I reached out and took it from him. The heading read Contract of Employment.

"As you had just said I already have a job. Unless you can offer me something better than a job that supports the lifestyle I like and health benefits, I think I will decline." He shook his head at me.

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