Chapter Twenty Six

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*September 6th*
*Arabelles POV*
*9 days left*

I jumped as a slam echoed throughout the house, causing me to drop the glass I was holding. I cursed under my breath looking at all the broken glass near my feet. I walked near the fridge, grabbing the broom that lay against the wall. I bent down as I began to pick up the clear shards. I couldn't help but let my mind wander as I swept up the glass.

Harry and I haven't spoken since the night he tried to kiss me, well did kiss me. I honestly don't even know if he remembers it, if he does I don't know why he's not saying anything. I would like to know why he kissed me, I think I deserve to know. He's been avoiding me ever since that night though, leaving the room as soon as I enter. He's resorted to just staying in his room, only coming out when I'm in mine. I have no idea what I did to make him act this way, then again it's not like I care.

He's still my kidnapper, no almost kiss is going to chance that, no matter how he or I feel about it. I honestly don't even know what to feel about it, I haven't had a chance to sort my feelings out yet. The event is like a blur in my head, all I remember is his lips on mine and the cold, vacant feeling I felt afterwards.

My head shot up as I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I held my breath as Harry walked into the kitchen, stopping once he saw me. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, the dark under eyes looking like permanent bruises. His whole body was slumped and he looked completely drained. We looked in each other's eyes before he started turning around.

"Wait" I yelled, growing irritated with his behavior. I stood up as I brushed the glass off of my pants, sending daggers at the back of his head.

"What?" He huffed turning around and glaring at me, his voice full of annoyance.

"I know you remember" I said, referring to the other night, when he tried to kiss me.

He rolled his eyes running a hand through his hair. "We're not talking about that." He chuckled, trying to brush it off but I wasn't having it.

"What do you mean we're not going to talk about it!" I screamed, my face growing hot with anger. He looked surprised at my out burst but I continued. "I know you kidnapped me and I don't really have a say in what happens but you can't just go around kissing people and then ignoring them for the next few days. Your fucked up Harry I mean honestly, why'd you even think it was a good idea to kiss me in the first place? What did you just think 'oh let me get drunk and kiss the girl i kidnapped I'm sure she won't mind'. I don't know what the fuck your problem is but you better figure it out because I'm not dealing with this shit." By the time I finished my hands were shaking by my sides and I could tell my whole face was red.

Harry was silent, staring at me with slightly wide eyes. His whole body was tensed up and the vein in his neck was popping, but he didn't look angry. I sat there staring at him, waiting for a response. No one was moving and all noise in the house ceased, the only sound being our breathing.

After a while of him not saying anything I decided he wasn't going to say anything at all. I scoffed as I rolled my eyes, walking towards Harry. I slid past him, about to go up the stairs when a hand wrapped around my wrist. I felt myself being spun around and gasped when my chest came into contact with something. I looked up to see emerald green eyes staring back at mine. I could feel Harry's heartbeat as he stared down at me with furrowed eyebrows.

A shock crawled up my spine as his hand came up and cupped my cheek. I held my breath as his face came closer to mine, memories of the other night flashing through my mind. My eyes fluttered shut when I felt his breath fan across my lips. I ignored my brain that was screaming at me to push him away, because something in my heart told me to let him stay.

"You want to know what my problem is?" He whispered, a certain emotion in his voice that I've never heard before. "You."

I opened my eyes to see his frustrated ones staring back at me. His eyes fluttered to my lips as he licked his before snapping back up to my eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows, not quite understanding what he meant. But like everything else I knew he wasn't going to tell me. I tried searching his eyes for an answer but he pulled away before I could.

"I-" Harry started to speak but a look flashed across his face before he stopped himself, his face going stone cold.

"What?" I stepped closer to him, hoping he would tell me and not shut me out.

My hopes were smashed as his eyes became cold and distant, the emerald green darkening. "Nothing, just stay out of my way." He barked, brushing past me and stomping up the stairs.

I sighed as I walked towards the pile of glass that was on the floor. I sighed as I sat down on the floor, leaning my back against the cool surface of the fridge. I don't know why he was acting like this, I didn't understand it at all.

I heard the door slam once again, causing me to wince and squeeze my eyes shut. As the sound echoed throughout the house and I had no idea why my heart began to ache.


I hope you guys like this chapter.

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Have a wonderful day.

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