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Multiple point of views in this and the next chapter.

Lia's Pov
,,Mike!",we were still shouting and looking at Mike. He was standing there, just waiting for It to kill him. Why did he do that? He shouldn't have lied, yes, but he didn't have to die!,,Sorry. I'm sorry, guys.",he apologized.,,Mike, come on, man!",Bill shouted.,,Move! Mikey!",I shouted, my heart pounding out of my chest. This couldn't be happening! I didn't want to lose another one of my friends. Mike repeated his apology over and over.,,Time to float!",Pennywise meant, lifting his right arm. It change into a kind of scorpion like sting. I inhaled sharply.,,Mike!",we all screamed again.

However, Bill jumped and ran to push Mike out of the way. None of them got hit. That was something good for now. The two of them were on the ground as the others, including myself, helped them up.,,Mike, come on, get up! Get him up!",Bill meant as Meg and I helped him up. Then, we started to run because Pennywise was following us. It destroyed this place a little, sending rocks flying at us as we ran. Shit! We were all screaming and then fell again. Why? Pennywise made us split up. That was why.,,Bev! Lia!",I heard Ben shouting as I ran after Bev. Where the others went, I didn't know.

Meg's Pov
I was following Bill, screaming my lungs out as Pennywise tried to reach us. Thankfully, that wasn't the case. It was good that that clown didn't get us. But on the other hand, it was shit. Why? Because Bill and I fell into water. Yes, there was water here, apparently. And it was deep as well. The fuck?

Where was Bill? I looked for him, holding my breath as good as I could. It was, one too cold and two, I couldn't hold my breath for that long. So, I swam up.,,Ouch!",I thought when I hit my head. Ice? Where did that come from? I shook my head a little. Okay, do not panic. I looked for a hole, so that I would not drown today. When I found one, I swam towards it. Once my head was out of the water, I took in a deep breath. Air filled my lungs which was good.

Then, I took a look around. This place. It seemed familiar. Where was I?

Ben's Pov
Bev, Lia and I were running through the same tunnel.,,Go, go, go!",I shouted, not looking behind me. But Lia stopped.,,Why did you stop?",I asked, out of breath.,,Go on! Stay with Bev. I got an idea.",she told me and ran through a side way. I debated wether to follow her or not. Shit! I decided to stay with Bev. Lia grew up with Bowers, she could handle herself, right?

Anyways, I ran with Bev and the two of us stopped. We were both breathing heavily. There were two ways. One on the left and one on the right. Just great.,,Where'd he go?",Bev asked, looking for It. I didn't know, nor did I really want to know where this stupid clown was.,,Don't worry, we'll find a way out.",I promised, heart beating fast.,,Where's Lia?",she inquired, looking around.,,I... I don't know.",I answered honestly.

Bill's Pov
Meg... Where was she? We fell in the water, together. Why could I see her? Panic rose inside of me. She was one of my best friends. I couldn't lose her, too. So, I decided to swim up. One, because I needed air and two, maybe she was already out of the water and fine.

I swam up and hit my head. Fucking great, right? Why was there ice? Where did that come from? I punched against it. Shit! There had to be a hole, otherwise I would drown. I didn't want to take that chance. Looking around, I quickly found a hole in the ice and made my way to it. Dying was not on my to do list!

Once my water was out of the water, I inhaled deeply. Air filled my lungs and I was a bit more relaxed. And then, I realized where I was. My old basement. I coughed a bit as I looked around. This was a mind game. It was playing with us, again. Like he always did.,,I fucking hate this clown!",I thought...

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