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Meg's Pov
Mike was calling Bill as Ben took care of his wound. Lia was very quiet which was normal. Her brother just died. Give that woman a break! Why wasn't Bill here yet? Without him we could not do this ritual. Bev said something about a kid and the fair but I didn't really understand.

Bill answered the call as it seemed because Mike was talking to him.,,Bill, we're all at the library. Where are you at?",Mike asked and I listened. Why wasn't he here with us? What happened? Mike stood up and said:,,No, no, no, no, no. Just, just...Look, just come here to the library. We can talk about the plan." I could feel that something was wrong. Yes, I only heard what Mike was saying but that was enough.,,What's going on?",Lia inquired, looking at me. I shrugged. How should I know?,,No, no, no. Bill! Bill!",Mike meant. Everyone who had been sitting, now stood up. This didn't sound good. Oh Bill, what were you about to do? It seemed as if Bill just hung up after that. 

Mike turned to look at us.,,What's going on, Mikey?",I asked, worried for Bill. Whatever happened... This wasn't good!,,He's going to fight It alone.",Mike replied. WHAT?!,,What?",Richie let out as Mike repeated:,,Alone." I knew where Bill was going. We all did, deep down. Why was it always that creepy ass house? I leaned against one of the shelves and remembered the first time we stood in front of the house, ready to fight It for the first time. 

,,Wow.",Richie let out.,,What?",Ben inquired, as he kept his eyes on Bill.,,He didn't stutter once.",Richie said and he was right. Not once, while telling this the others, did he stutter. That was quite impressive. That was also the moment where everyone thought:,,Well, I guess we're all going in." So, Richie, Ben and Lia started to move.,,Wait!",Stan called, grabbing everyone's attention.,,Um... Shouldn't we have some people to keep watch?",he inquired. That got the others thinking a little bit.,,You know, just in case something bad happens?",he added. The others agreed.,,W-w-who wants to stay out here?",Bill asked with his left hand on the doorknob. There were only two people who did not raise their hands. Bev and Lia. Everybody was looking at the others. Richie sighed and cursed:,,Fuck!" After that they drew straws and Bill went in with Eddie, Richie and Lia.,,Are you sure you wanna do that?",Meg asked the younger Bowers.,,Girl powers. Someone has to show them how it's done.",Lia answered, trying to sound brave which failed a little. Meg nodded and looked after her friends who were entering this house.

Flashback end

The first fight ended badly. Ben was hurt, Eddie was taken to the hospital and him and Lia were almost eaten alive. That fight separated us. And I wasn't the one who went inside. Okay, later to help the others but never did I volunteer to go in there, unlike Lia. Now, things changed and we were still the same but yet not. It was complicated.,,It's about the group. The ritual doesn't work without the group. Doing it together is why it'd work.",Mike told us and packed his stuff. Okay, something was off about that thing he was carrying. Richie had looked at it and that face he made, said everything.

IT: Chapter II - It EndsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora