19: And the evening begins...

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⚠ Please put on black background for a better experience.
Also this chapter is hella long because ya girl had nothing else to do this quarantine. So I hope you enjoy it!

The image of the hall is uploaded in the media above 👆

"Oh, right, we leave at seven right? "
Jungkook asked to Lisa, who blankly stared at him for minute before nodding a yes.

It was already the day of the party, and Jungkook was as excited as a kid. To be honest, more than the luxurious attributes of the gala, what attracted him more was that he would be attending it with a certain someone who had intrigued him.

He was excited to see how Lisa was going to behave in that kind of an environment.

In the past few weeks that he had known her, it had become clear to him that Lisa was always kept in a closed, protective environment by her friends.

They were all wary of anyone new approaching her other than those whom she approached first.

Lisa never talked much. She wouldn't laugh at the funniest of jokes. And she hated to talk in between meals.

Other than a few days, she mostly wore clothes that covered her body.
She didn't wear much bright clothes either. And her eyes... they always seemed sad.

The way she walked with her hands in her pocket, the way she separated the chopstics with one hand, how she disliked it when someone asked her nosy questions.

These were all little things that Jungkook had noticed over the time..
It would seem as if Lisa was an interesting being that Jungkook had just recently discovered and he was very diligent in observing even the smallest things about her, noticing it, absorbing all the knowledge.

He was busy thinking about his observations when they heard a knock on the door of Jisoo's apartment that they were currently in.

The door opened, revealing Mr. Gong standing there with a warm smile.
"Oh hyung you aware here so early? "
Jungkook was a bit confused as he looked at the older man who called in along with him.

"Jungkook ah, I'm here to help you guys get ready, you guys are all supposed to come with me with your dresses, I have a team of professionals prepared specially to help you all since this is your first time attending such an event."
He smiled as he saw Jimin and Chaeyoung along with Jisoo walk in to the hall, listening to what he had just spoken.

Compared to the others, Jisoo was much less surprised thanks to her job requiring her to assist her boss for many such occasions in the past.

"Oh so we.... like follow you to this team....? "
Chaeyoung asked understanding what he had just said.

"Exactly "
Jin spoke as he stood at the doorstep. He was there in his usual monotone clothing, hands in his pockets as he nodded at Mr. Gong.

"I have already called the rest, they'll be waiting for you in the parking lot Mr. Gong. Do help them reach on time. "
He said to Mr. Gong before he turned around.

"Wait, oppa, you are not coming with us again ? "
Chaeyoung asked quickly before he could leave.

"No, I'll be there soon after you reach. I have something to take care of. "
Jin replied, carefully glancing at Jisoo before leaving completely.

"Oh.... "
She was disappointed he wasn't joining them again. Ever since she had been introduced to Jin, Chaeyoung had taken a liking to the man because of the way he silently cared for all those around him. He somehow resembled her brother when they used to still talk.

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