Chapter 6

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Slow eyes glanced up at him. Unlike the other night where he was utterly hidden beneath a baggy white t-shirt, I fully envisioned his body and every single carved muscle and tattoo. He had a black button up shirt tucked into the same black jeans with the same silver chain on them. The top three buttons were undone and I noticed some chest tattoos decorated with some silver necklaces around his neck. His sleeves were rolled to his shoulders tightly and my eyes met the same works of art I had dreamt about since I last saw him.

Suddenly, it all kicked in. Did I look crazy for bumping into him? What I saw as an honest accidental encounter, may come off as something else. This is the last time I follow my inhibitions and come downtown.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, backing away from the man with such magnetic eyes. They didn't leave mine but I knew I had to get James and run so far away from the situation unfolding in front of me. My fight or flight stimulus remained as prominent as ever... it was no toss up where I fell on that spectrum.

He says nothing but grabs my wrist tightly, keeping me in solitude by the corner of the bar with him. My breath hitches at his touch.

"What – What are you doing here? Are you looking for me?" Such deep eyes bore into mine. I wanted to fall into this embrace, knowing good and well I couldn't do that to myself – not again.

"No... No... I had no idea that this was..." I glance at the sign reading 'The Damned' behind him on the door, "your bar."

He pauses slowly, eyes creeping about my face as if this were the first time he had ever seen me. The only night I felt the intensity of how he observed my movements, but this was an accelerated version of it.

"You love coming to this part of town, don't you?" He drawls, lip bitten.

I felt myself getting distracted by the three buttons undone at the top of his black linen shirt. I just wanted to stare at him all day. Gosh... Stop it, Niall.

"I'm sorry." I whisper once more. "I really have to go."

"Are you with someone?" He says plainly, eyebrow raised and I gulp. He was watching me so expectantly and I somehow felt too insecure to even answer.

I nod.

"Who?" He snaps his eyes toward the seating within the bar and I place a hand on his chest, earning his gaze.

"Zayn..." I start slowly. "This was a mistake. Now, we have to go."

"Blondie." He huffs, lip curling beneath his teeth. "I'm only gonna' say this once more... Who are you with?"

I glare at him – these words eradicated any of the prior affection I felt toward his presence and instead, brought back the feelings of rejection.

"You don't seriously have an issue with me being with someone... do you?" He seemed surprised at my response and even more taken aback with my hand leaving his chest. As I pull it away, he grabs my wrist once more, returning it to its previous position over his heart. As much as I wanted to squirm and gulp, cower and fret – I stayed true to what I felt and refused to rip my eyes from his.

"What are you talking about, Blondie?" Voice low and raspy.

"You made it perfectly clear to me, Zayn." My gaze narrows. "You told me not to get attached... and I haven't."

Gosh, I was a bad liar and he knew it – if his lips slowly turning into that smug smirk were anything to go by. I need to get better a lying if I were t keep any sort of contact with the gang leader.

Love on the Road ~ Ziall HorlikWhere stories live. Discover now