Chapter 2

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Aimlessly, all I found interest in was every bit of art on these stranger's incredibly toned arms. I couldn't quite comprehend the courage it took to tattoo so many seemingly meaningless things on oneself. Does he forgo the human experience of regret and cowardice that I felt on so many occasions? I wanted to ask so many questions about each and every one of them and discover others that were hidden by mere cotton.

Gosh... What am I saying?

I couldn't quite gage the man in front of me. Yeah, he was watching me as though I were a piece of meat to be devoured, but I wasn't sure what that meant. Was he looking at me in the same light as I looked at him? Or was I a bit of trouble to stir in the streets?

He licked his lips, eyes travelling around my face, and he once again, brought my attention down to the bottle of wine.

"So Blondie," he says with voice like silk, "what's someone as pretty as you doing in this part of town?"

I felt so overwhelmed by everything he was saying and the way he was saying it. He said I'm pretty... I can't believe he thinks I'm pretty.

Again, I could barely reply, and he smirks again – eyes nice and wide to encompass all of the nonsensical energy I was projecting. I knew he thought I was some mute who could barely articulate a sentence and as much as I wanted to break down that persona and act like a normal human being, he took the reins once more.

"I get it." He shakes his head. "You're not much of a talker."

"I am a talker." I blurt out and I watch his eyes zone on in me intently.

"Wanna' answer my question then?"

I sigh and look down, trying to relax my body.

"I-I went to the movies." It came out very matter-of-factly.


"Alone." I confirm and watch his deep eyes darken at thought and another smirk appear on his face.

"There's no... boyfriend about to walk around the corner to get mad at me for talking to ya'?" I wanted to melt right there. His forwardness was so foreign to me. It was utterly mesmerizing.

"No. I can assure you of that." I break out a small flattered smile at his playfulness.

"Good. We wouldn't want any trouble." I couldn't help but bite my lip as he said this. We had only just met and yet he transfixed himself into the most interesting person I had ever laid eyes on. "So you'll join me for a drink of this... strawberry wine?"

"Yes." I say quickly, leaving behind any nervousness. Believe me, it still remained lodged tightly within my soul but I needed to grow up and grab ahold of this... whatever it was.

As I go to reach for it, he pulls it away and behind his back.

"Perhaps we should go somewhere else to drink it?" His eyebrow raises expectantly, and I gulp. I had watched the news and knew the dangers of the rising crime rate here in Bradford. An invitation to drink with a complete stranger in the hardest part of town was essentially, a dumb move.

Think of it, as homework. A teacher instructed me to go out and find a life. Perhaps this Zayn, Zayn Malik could help me out with that.

"Yes." It was more like a whisper. "Yes. Let's go somewhere else."

"Okay." He purrs and invites me to walk along with him. Expecting him to take me toward one of the cars parked on the side of the road, I stop moving as he darts down the nearest alleyway.

Love on the Road ~ Ziall HorlikWhere stories live. Discover now