Chapter 1

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Not surprisingly, that night I finished my Plath essay and edited it to the point where this morning I felt it would be appropriate to hand in to my teacher to have a look at.

He was very surprised to see me within the school grounds on a weekend, knowing the vast majority of students were out on the town and actually living a life. It felt like I was the only person on campus considering Liam was with his family today.

"Niall, please just – go home." He huffs to me, folding his arms and leaning against the desk. "This is the 16th Plath essay you have handed to me that I have absolutely no issues with. I haven't even read this and I know it's going to be exactly the same."

I couldn't help but grunt.

"But what do I need to improve upon? What does the examiner want?" I almost beg him for this information. He folds his lips.

"I've told you that answer before and I think you know that." His eyes narrow. "The only thing that will be good for you, right now at this point in time, is to stop all of this incessant studying and worrying and live a bit of your life."

Live a bit of my life? What the hell does he mean by that?

"But... This is my life?" It came out as though it were a question. "My dad has big expectations of me, and I know he wants me to succeed-"

"A lot of faculty here at this academy know that some students, like yourself, with parents in high positions worry about bringing their family pride." He begins. "But unlike them, you're pushing it too far. You're trying to outdo your father and every single academic achiever we've ever had through these halls. You're missing out on a lot of your life, Mr. Horan."

I blink at this reply. I failed to see the issue in devoting my life to reaching success and truly becoming something of myself.

"I'm a firm believer in working towards what I want." I shake my head. "And I know... I know my dad and how lucky I am to be in a position where if I wanted, I could have a job the rest of my life with him. But I want to do something for myself. I feel like I've never properly had anything for myself."

"If you want to find yourself – you won't find it in writing 16 Sylvia Plath essays in a week." I felt my cheeks warm up at this comment, humiliated that I was planning to go home and perform my 12th practice exam for math.

"Well..." I place down the essay back on his desk. "I guess I will go and do that."

"It will do you good." He smiles down at me. "Go out and experience life – that is what is going to help you, not only on your exams, but in every other aspect of your existence."

"Okay." I lie with a huff. "I will go and do that."

He gives me a warm smile and a nod and as I turn on my heel to leave, he clears his throat.

"You're forgetting your essay." He calls, looking down at the paper I strategically left on his desk.

"Oh please just read it!" I plead, dropping my façade and forcing out what sounded like a whine. God... I really am pathetic. "I did spend majority of the night working on it."

"Okay fine." He shakes his head. "But this is the last one I correct. I'm happy to discuss the exam with you but I need you to figure things out yourself because I'm at the point where I'm starting to become a little underqualified."

I guess I took it as a compliment and grinned at him.

"Thank you, Mr. Morton." It almost made me want to go out and do something for myself. "I'll go and do something besides study, I promise."

Love on the Road ~ Ziall HorlikWhere stories live. Discover now