Amber's cool laugh cut the woman's words short. "Oh! You're meeting someone. I see. And who might that be?"

Hailey glanced at Amber while she shoved her laptop into its case. "That is none of your concern, Ms. Hunting."

Amber scoffed at her but was at a loss of words. She stood there with her eyes glued on Hailey. She kept an eye on her as she brushed past Amber, but Amber refused to move. Hailey stood at the door. "You need to leave, Amber. I'm closing up."

Amber quietly stepped out of the classroom, but did not budge once out. Hailey flicked off the lights and locked the door. She glanced back at Amber who stood emotionless and then began to walk off to the main exit.

Amber glanced at one of the clocks hung in the hallway and knew Luna would not arrive until another twenty minutes. Amber had to jog to catch up, but was soon right behind Hailey, without the woman even noticing.

Amber was not letting this drop. She had promised herself something would happen today, and she was not one to break promises, even if they were ones made to her own self.

She followed Hailey out into the brisk outdoors and continued to do so all the way to the woman's car. She still had not became aware of Amber's presence, which shocked Amber. She could even hear her own doll shoes as they tapped against the ground beneath her.

She kept her distance as Hailey opened the trunk to her silver car and flung her stuff inside. Amber watched as she closed the trunk and began to enter the driver's seat.

Like a professional stalker, Amber ran up to the passenger door and yanked it open, ignoring the scream from Hailey as she plopped into the seat and slammed the door shut behind her. She turned to face the woman, who was in complete, utter shock.

"Amber Hunting! What in god's name are you doing?!"

Amber clicked her tongue. "Answers. Now."

Hailey huffed and closed the door which still stood open, inviting in the cool air. She turned to face Amber and glared at her so hard, Amber thought her eyes were going to squish and break.

"I think it's the least I deserve," Amber stated in a much softer tone, hoping to lighten Hailey up.

"No. Get out of my car."

Amber blinked at her, as if that was a way to tell her she was not moving an inch.

Hailey took the signal and grumbled as she started the car. ""

Amber could feel her eyes widen as Hailey pulled out of the parking lot.

"Wait. Why are you leaving the school?!" Amber asked, her heart beginning to pound rapidly.

"You ask too many questions," Hailey told her while keeping her eyes on the road.

"But I don't-"

"Shh!" Hailey silenced Amber's protesting.

Amber glanced around them curiously, but only found them to be driving on a normal street with normal looking cars. "Uh...what?"

Hailey let out a dramatic sigh before explaining. "I shouldn't be telling you any of this," she stated in a low voice.

Amber smirked. "Tell me what? You haven't told me anything!"

Hailey gave her a side glance before saying, "Look, I was at that party in attempts to help you."

Amber kept her eyes glued on her teacher. "To help me? With what?"

"I know you were kidnapped, okay?"

Tormented Mistress ( Book One )Where stories live. Discover now