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Now, try imagine this:

You are lying in your bed with a blanket pulled over you.

You are staring at a wall and thinking of world poverty, its causes, effects and solutions. You are in a dimension of your own, thinking.

All this pondering gives you a sudden urge to wipe poverty off the map. You want to, you really really wanted to do it. You tell yourself to get up and do the deed.


Your finger doesn't budge.

You try again, however, in vain.

The guilt piles up.

You tell your body to move but it doesn't obey.

You start worrying about whether you will vanish from existence without ever having gained anything substantial.

You start questioning your being here, your being alive. You start questioning your beliefs.

You start having a really big existential crisis.

You go to sleep and when you wake up you have forgotten about the whole thing.


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