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"I'm going, I'm going. Calm down woman." You grumbled. "I know you're eager to get me out of here and all but—" having a slipper thrown at your head shut you up.

"Stop being such an idiot, y/n. You know I'll miss you." Your mother sighed, rubbed your forehead and pulling you into a hug.

"Mooom." You whined. "I told you not to get emotional. I'll visit okay? All the time! I'll constantly visit every single weekend until you're sick of seeing me."

"If you don't come home and you don't have a reasonable excuse, do not complain if I come visit your dorms." She warned.

"Yes ma'am." You giggled in response. "I should go right?" 

"You've packed everything right? Socks? Towels? Bikinis?"

"Mom, I'm going to college, not a swimming vacation, calm down. I'll call you when I arrive at my dorm okay?" You assured and eventually she let you go.

"My little girl is growing up." She sobbed and you waved her a quick bye. You were already running late, although that was partially your fault, but you scurried to the agreed meet up point. Bakugou would certainly not be understanding in the least about your lack of punctuality even if something tragic had happened to you.

Luckily, you still arrived before him, and Midoriya was waiting. "Izuku! I'm not too late am I?"

He smiled back at you sheepishly. "You sort of are. Kacchan got impatient and went ahead to the train station."
Well, maybe you didn't arrive before him.

"Oh god, you could've gone with him you know? Now he's going to get mad at you again." You mumbled. "Sorry Izuku."

Midoriya gave you a look. "We all know how it would've ended if I went with Kacchan alone."

May he rest in peace. You prayed internally, just thinking about the chaos it could've led to.

This wasn't a regular occurrence, the three of you together. It was usually just you and Midoriya, but since the three of you were going to the same college, it only made sense to travel together.

"Let's go before his temper gets worse." You changed the topic and speed walked in the direction of the station.

"Wait up y/n-chan!" Midoriya called before picking up his pace to match yours.


"Deku, big ugly, you're both late." Bakugou grumbled.

"Katsuki I swear to god if you call me 'big ugly' around campus I'm going to act like I don't know you." You threatened.

"As if I'd call for you. But if you don't respond to me I'm going to kill you."

"Have fun rotting in jail afterwards." You grinned.


"Kacchan, y/n-chan, cut it out." Midoriya interrupted. We were getting a few odd looks from passers by.

"Shut up, Deku." He growled.

"How about you shut up Katsuki?" You retorted. It wasn't a good habit, but you had always found joy in riling him up just the slightest. He was easy to aggravate but he didn't hate you, and that was enough reason to keep going.

Bakugou was about to leave the two of you behind, but luckily for you, the train arrived. "I'm sitting in another compartment. Do not follow me." He snapped and picked up his suitcase and stormed into another compartment of the train.

"Oh my god Izuku have you seen his arms?" You swooned, almost drooling.

"Y/n-chan, I only look at them when I'm trying to avoid getting hit by them." Midoriya mumbled and carried his belongings onto the train and you soon did the same.

"But you gotta admit, his arms are so yES."

"Whatever you say y/n-chan." He sighed.


You had just about finished settling into your dorm when your new roommate walked in.

"Hey! I'm Ashido Mina, your roommate!" She introduced. She was bubbly and energetic, and even if your personality didn't mirror hers, the two of you mixed quite well.

"L/n y/n. I look forward to rooming with you." You said with a smile, and immediately, you two hit it off well.

After a few hours of unpacking and running small errands around the place, you sat down on your bed, exhausted.

"Are you going to that 1st years opening party tonight? I heard it's important." Ashido asked you.

"Damn it, I thought we didn't have to go." You grumbled.

"It'll be fun! But first, what on Earth is our lunch?"

Ah yes, count on Ashido to ask the real questions. "I'll go buy us some take out, I won't be long." You smiled, pulling on a hoodie.

"You're a blessing y/n!" Ashido called as you closed the door behind you. You only smiled and sped up.

The moment you opened the store's door the strong aroma of fried chicken surrounded you. "That's my lunch for sure then." You grinned and opened your purse, only to find that it was empty. "God hates me." You muttered and grudgingly made your way to the nearest ATM.

The line wasn't long at all. In fact there was only one other person at the ATM, but the boy didn't appear to know how to work the machine.

"Sir would you like some help?" You offered. When he turned around to look at you, you realised he wasn't that much older. In fact he was probably your age. There was something about his mismatched eyes that made him ever so slightly attractive and you couldn't help but stare.

"No thank you." He responded eventually and turned back to the ATM, and you eventually looked away from his face.

Damn, pretty boys are swarming this place. Where have they been all my life?

After another 20 minutes, the boy in front of you finally seemed to have accomplished whatever he was trying to do, and he moved out of the way. Before you inserted your card, you noticed a sheet of paper that printed late.

"Uh, sir I think you forgot your receipt!" You called. Almost subconsciously, your eyes skimmed the receipt before handing it over and you froze in place.

The boy gratefully took the receipt from your grasp and left without another word while you were still rooted to your spot.

"Holy shit that is one sexy bank balance."


AYYYYYYY so I'm sorry that it took me a while to upload this DKDJNDJD I'm still not fully okay with it but I'm too impatient to edit it again so oop—

she fully gave me the whole plot idea DKJDJDJD and helped me modify all the little details so like honestly tHANK YOU I could not have done this without ur help Moonie 🥺🥺

I'm getting Moonie's help throughout this book and I'm hella grateful and thank you all for reading this shit I—

↳ 𝖎𝖒𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖚𝖓𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘║ (ᵀᴼᴰᴼᴿᴼᴷᴵ ˣ ᴿᴱᴬᴰᴱᴿ)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora