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Petter and my dad took the weekend to do one on one training again. So this left me alone to my own devices. It was cute the friendship my Dad and Peter had. I'm just glad my dad is training peter as well because there is only so much I can teach Peter.

I decided to look more into this reaperence to Doc Oc. He has been staying off the charts since we caught him trying to steal tech. When a vilian goes of the grid that means he is planning something big and I'm worried.

I never wished more for a vilian to cause a disturbance because I need a lead. The other avengers are busy with global and other world problems so this Doc oc thing falls on my dad, Peter, and I. "Jarvis check again to see if anything is off, gravity, energy, anything that could be a clue" I said my temper rising.

"I'm sorry Miss Stark, all activity is normal" Jarvis said for the seventh time. "Have you found a list of what Doc Oc stole" I asked hoping she finaly got it. Doc oc had gotten away that day with some tech while we were distracted and I needed some clue as to what he was doing.

"He stole peices that were locked up from the doomsday bomb he was last planning to biuld" Jarvis replied. "Let me see them" I said panic running through me. 3D images of scraps from Doc Oc's last doomsday bomb appeared.

These parts were what gave the Doomsday bomb the power it would of had. No one knows what exactly this doomsday bomb was planning to do. But it definitely is more than an explosive. If Doc oc stole what peices were left of his last plan that means he is trying to replicate the bomb.

"Jarvis continue monitoring for any abnormal activity" I said running a hand through my hair that currently surrounded me. This is realy bad. Doc oc was sure doing a better job at staying hidden this time. Those few months in prison gave him enough time to upgraded his plan. It might be harder to stop him this time.

I will tell my Dad and Peter what I found when they come back. Until then I would busy myself with some school work. I also played around with new suit update ideas. After I finished all my homework I decided to bisuy with my self with chores.

~*~Peters POV~*~

Mr.Stark and I finished up our mentoring/training session and returned to his apartment at stark industries. When we entered I saw a very stressed Vallory cleaning the house. "Vall whats wrong" Mr.Stark said approaching his daughter. "Doc Oc is planning on recreating his doomsday bomb and I have no idea what it's supposed to do and were he is hiding at" Vallory said letting out a stressed sigh.

"I have been working on it all day trying to rack my brain and nothing. I have finished so much homework and choress but I'm still stressing out." Vallory continued. Mr.Stark gave her a hug and tried to calm her down. "I understand this is a big problem but breath, we will solve this. It will just take time" Mr.Stark said consoling Vallory.

Doc Oc was my first real mission that got me noticed as more than a small town hero. And now he is a bigger threat and Vallory is feeling the same stress as me or any super hero would feel when faced with the responsiblity of a big threat. "Vall can I talk to you" I said. She noded and took time to breath as she walked over to me.

Mr.Stark left the room talking about checking on dinner. "Look I know how it feels to be worried about catching the bad guy and keeping people safe but I did it alone with no help. Now there is more of us trying to stop him. We will figure it out" I said as Vallory looked me in the eyes. "Your right. He may have gotten better but we are smarter" Vallory agreed with me.

Vallory pulled me in for a hug and it startled me. I returned the hug and wrapped my arms around her. We sat there holding eachother for what felt like forever but was probably a few minutes. When we let go she seemed to be visibly more calm.

"It just bothers me that with all my dads tech and equipment and my smarts I couldn't find a bigger lead than what he was biulding" Vallory confessed. "Hay, Hay it's going to be alright. When he makes a move we will be there" I said.

"On a different note, thanks for what you did the other week with those two jerks. I think you finally deflated their ego a bit and haven't bothered Ned or me for a whole week so far" I said making Vallory smile a little. "Anytime" Vallory said.

Vallory is one of the prettiest girls I have ever met. I enjoy talking to her and spending time together. I think I like her, and as more than a friend. I have spent some time thinking about her and talking to aunt May about her that I'm sure now.

I have a crush on Vallory Stark.

~*~Vallory's POV~*~

Peter left shortly after our chat. I joined my dad in the kitchen as he was cooking dinner. "Hay Vall" my dad said giving me a small smile. "Hi" I responded pulling my hair back into a ponytail.

"Did Peter leave?" My dad asked me. "Yah, he had to head home" I answered. "Ok, well I'm cooking some dinner so set the table for us and we will eat soon" my Dad said.

I began to put down place mats and grabbed some plates and silverware. As I sat the table I couldn't help but think. When I hugged peter I didn't really think about it. He was being so sweet and I just really wanted to hug him and I did. I caught him off guard but it startled me a little to that I actually hugged him.

I don't know but I also could of sworn that my heart beat quickened and I got butterflys in my stomach when I hugged him. Do I like Peter? I think I am starting to like him as more than a friend. Am I crazy? Maby I am, maby I'm not. But one thing is for sure now...

I have a crush on Peter Parker.

Hay guys here is a little filler chapter since I haven't updated in a while. I suck at updating but you already knew that.

Anyways hope you all are doing well and enjoying this book so far.
Continue reading and try reading my other work.

Till next time my lovely readers...

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