You should See Me In A Crown

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After my sudden realization I couldn't look at Peter the same way. I acted normal around him but I couldn't help but noticing new thoughts popping up in my head.

When he laughed or smiled at something funny; his smile is so cute and his laugh is melodic. When he would bump my shoulder in the hall; he smells good. When he would trip over thin air or walk into a wall cause he wasn't paying attention; he is so clumsy and such a dork.

When he would help me carry my large piles of books to a table in the library and his arms would flex; he's so strong and muscular. When he would calm me down when I was stressed about school or Doc Oc; he's so sweet and easy to talk to. When we were jamming to music in the car; he can't sing but its adorable and he has such a great taste in music.

Every little thing he did made me realize another thing I liked about him. But I don't know if it's all in my head or if he feels the same way. Anyways there is much more pressing matters to worry about right now. I have been nominated for homecoming queen and I need to campaign. Also Peter somehow was also nominated for homecoming king so I promised to help him campaign as well so if I win I can at least dance with someone I know.

"I still can't believe I was nominated, I didn't think anyone even liked me" Peter said as we walked to fourth period. "I can, your amazing and even the nerds deserve recognition and popularity" I said hyping him up. "I think its because I'm friends with you and have that 'stark internship'" Peter said.

"Give yourself more credit than that" I said lightly hitting him while giving him a disapproving look. "Whatever. Thanks for helping me campaign" peter responded. "My pleasure, if I win I want to do the homecoming king and queen dance with someone I know" I responded. "Also I need your help after scool" I said. "Anything, what is it" peter said looking over at me.

"I need to go dress shopping and if I bring my dad to help me I will never find a dress because we can never agree on which dress I should get" I explained. "Definitely, my aunt may and I already got my homecoming outfit but I can so help you" peter said. "Cool, thanks" I said before saying goodbye and entering my class.

During lunch Peter, Ned, and I were hanging out in our spot under a tree when Jordan from the soccer team came up to us. "Can I talk to you for a sec" he asked me making me confused. We shared a few classes together but we don't ever really talk. I looked at Peter and Ned but they just nodded for me to go ahead. "Sure why not" I said.

He pulled me over a few feet away from my friend's before saying, "look I have had a crush on you for a while and I was wondering if you would go to homecoming with me" Jordan said. I saw a lot of people watching our interaction especially his friends. I thought about his words. I much rather go with Peter and Ned as friends then have a date with someone who I have never talked to before.

"I'm sorry I just don't feel the same way, so no, thank you for the offer though" I said kindly trying not to be rude. "Whatever" he said before walking off. As I walked back to my friend's I heard him talking to his friends saying how he "dosen't care and only wanted to use me for popularity points to win homecoming king, guess parker gets to win this just like he got that internship."

My blood boiled, how dare he, peter earned that internship and is an amazing person, your a jerk that deserves nothing. I wanted to turn around and beat him up but considering I am trained in combat and can't afford to get in trouble I decided he wasn't worth it. At least I dodged a bullet of dating him.

I returned to the boys and told them what happened and what I had overheard. Peter started to get mad, not because Jordan insulted him but because he wanted to use me. Awe such a protective cinnamon roll, even when he's mad he's adorable. Shut up Vallory, keep it together. "Its fine, who needs that ass hats anyways" I said making Peter calm down. "Still no one should ever say those things about you" peter defended making me smile.

Later that day after school before we left Ned came running up to us. "Guys you won't believe it! You know Alison, the girl I have had a crush on for a while now, I asked her to homecoming thinking what do I have to lose, and she said yes!!! And she called me cute and adorable!!!" Ned said making me smile. Peter and I gave him a high five.

"Nice going bud" Peter said. "Good for you, see I told you, you have nothing to worry about" I encouraged. "Yah, thanks, I'll see you two around" Ned said still celebrating. "Guess that leaves us alone for prom" I said getting in my car. Peter got into the passengers seat. "Yah, sorry your stuck with me all night" Peter said laughing. "Oh please, I rather be stuck with you than have a date with some duche" I said making Peter smile.

I really wish Peter would ask me to go with him as a date instead but I'm not one to push. And going as friends is better then not going together at all. We got to the mall and I went to a formal wear store. I tried on dresses of every color, stile, and length. Peter like all of them on me but I didn't. "Your less help than my dad, atleast he would find a problem with a dress, you just like them all" I said getting annoyed.

"What I just think you look beautiful in all of them" Peter said making me blush. "Your too sweet, but I need actually criticism" I said grabbing another dress to try on. "What if I just like seeing you in different dresses and I am purposely making this last longer" Peter said making me freeze as I grabbed another dress to try on. I was at a lost for words.

"Well if you think I look pretty in a dress, you should see me in a crown. But I won't be able to go to homecoming to win the crown if I can't pick out a dress" I said trying to hide how flustered his compliments made me. I grabbed a dress and quickly hid in the dressing room again before my blush could worsen.

I came out in another dress that I didn't like. Peter once again liked it saying it looked amazing on me. I sighed taking a seat next to him getting tired of trying on dresses. "This is the tenth dress I have tried on I really need to find a dress, it's just homecoming" I said. "Well how about you try on one more dress and that is the dress you have to get" Peter offered as an idea.

"I like it" I said taking the idea. "Another idea, would you mabey want to go to homecoming with me as a date" Peter said. I stood there shocked, Peter looked just as shocked as me. "Yes" I said so fast I wanted to smack myself for how uncool I sound. "Great" peter said blushing. Ugh so cute.

I went back in the dressing room to try on my last dress. I came out in a gold and soft blue strapless dress that reminded me of a fairy. I was glad I chose to wear my strapless bra today cause that's what I needed for this dress. The skirt flowed and it was perfect. I looked beautiful and flawless in it, it was simple yet elegant. Peter shared my opinion because his eyes were wide and he looked in awe. "You look gorgeous, it really brings out your eyes." Peter said flustered.

"Thank you, I love it" I said spinning around to show off and let the skirt flow. We have a winner. When I got home I told my dad all about Peter asking me out to homecoming and showed him the dress we picked out. "Well you will look beautiful in that dress, and I like Peter, he's a good kid you two will have fun" my dad said giving me a hug. "Thanks dad, and I love the dress too, it has pockets!" I said excitedly.

I couldn't wait for homecoming and to dance with Peter.

Well theres another chapter, sorry for late update came across some writers block, I was inspired tonight and I hope you enjoyed it. Who else got the Billie Ilish reference I made?

Till next time my lovely readers...

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