Mission Impossible

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*A few weeks later*

Nothing is more terrifying then waking up to your father missing and a letter from an infamous supper villain saying they borrowed him to finish what they started.

I wished that this was just my father hiding out with his new girlfriend and not actually being kidnapped. I called Peter in tears telling him what happened. I then called Steve Rodgers at Avengers head quarters for some back up.

And just like that, spiderman, Captain America, and The Falcon were collected in Stark tower with my in my Iron Heart suit as we tried to find Doctor Octavious' location and were my dad could be.

*Tony's POV*

Were am I? Is Vallory okay? These are my only two concerns as I wake up with a pounding head ache. I don't have my suit. Shit! I'm screwed. "Well it's about time you woke up princess" I hear from the corner of the room. The metal spider like appendages come walking towards me with a very unappealing clanking noise.

"Doctor Octavious, what a Surprise" I said with a raised eyebrow maintaining my persona of cool and collected. "Stark" Doc Oc said with a grimace. "You will assist me in finishing my doomsday device and then I'll let you go" Doc Oc ordered making my smile drop. "Yhea I don't think so" I said with sarcasm.

"I think you will or your precious daughter will be very much dead" Doc Oc said making my stomach not in fear as he showed me a video of his drones holding her at gunpoint waiting for their order to execute.

Doc Oc had done most of the work and his device was prety much solidly biult. It just need an energy source. One that he knew I knew how to tap into. With my daughters life on the line I got to work tapping into the city's power source. Once his machine was finished he pushed the ignition and a countdown began. Crap! What do I do!?

*Vallory's POV*

The tracker my dad had implanted on both of us proved used as Cap, Falcon, Spiderman, and I fallowed it to his location. Falcon and I shot down Doc Oc's defenses and made an entrance for Cap and Peter to get in. Once the four of us made it into the room We saw my dad on one side of the room and Doc Oc standing protectively in front of his doomsday device. Captain America started fighting with Doc Oc and kept him distracted. "Alright baby Stark, you and Spider boy figure out how to stop the machine and I'll get Tony out of here.

Falcon flew my dad back to stark tower as Peter stunt webed a few drones that tried to attack us. Captain had detained Doc Oc and was bringing him back to Shield. Peter destroyed the last drone as he came over to help me finish disarming the doomsday device.

As the clock came down to the last ten seconds we succeeded in stopping it. But not without a small explosion that only affected the warehouse we were in. Peter swung us out as fast as possible but my suit was damaged by shrapnel and I was injured in the process. I blacked out after my suit caved in.

*Peter's POV *

I clung onto Vall as I swung her back to stark tower as fast as I could. Please be okay. She got hit pretty bad by the explosion and my only worry was not about my own blood staining my suit on my abdomen but the limp girl in my arms. I knew Captain was handling Doc Oc so when I got to stark tower I let Falcon take her to tend to her injuries with Doctor Bruce Banner.

"Kid. Come here" I heard Mr.Stark say. He pulled me into a hug as I cried into his shoulder finally letting out the fear I had been feeling. "She's going to be okay, lets get you bandaged up" Mr Stark said pulling me over to his work studio.

He gave me a few stitches  and cleaned up my wound before bandaging my abdomen up. Once we both were all cleaned up we waited outside the room Vallory was being taken cared of in. Vission and and Wanda showed up to take Falcons place to help Bruce with Vallory. She took most of the explosion so I was worried.

Captain and Falcon came back with good news on the detaining of Doctor Octavious. "Steve, Sam, this is Peter the Spiderman and my second protégé. And I'm thinking the next addition to the Avengers" Mr Stark said introducing me to the two other Avengers I idolized. They shook my hand and gave me an accepting smile.

"I think he will make a good addition. Will inaugurate him when we inaugurate Vallory once she's awake and all healed." Captain said welcoming me making me smile for the first time since I smiled that morning when I saw Vallory's caller ID on my phone before she told me the terrible news.

"Thank you Mr. Roger's" I said smiling half heartedly. I really wish I was holding Vall's hand right now. "Please call me Steve or Cap. Like everyone else" Steve said making Tony laugh. "He still calls me Mr. Stark even though I tell him to call my Tony" Mr.Stark said putting a lazy arm around my shoulder and ruffling my hair. "Thats cause I'm dating your daughter Mr. Stark and want be respectful" I said smiling slightly as Mr. Stark gave me a lopsided grin.

"And for that reason right there is why you should call me Tony, cause your practically Family" Tony said making me blush. "Thanks, Mr. Sta- Tony... sir" I said flustered at the prospect of being considered family with ThE Tony Stark. Just then Bruce, Vision, and Wanda came out to inform us Vallory is okay and just needs some rest and had experienced some head trauma but would be okay now.

Once all the other Avengers in the room had been introduced to me they left and Tony had me carry Val up to her room. I had tucked her into bed and placed a kiss on her four head. I smiled at the smile she made in her sleep to my touch. "Kid. I called your aunt may and told her you would be spending the night here cause you and Val had homework to do" Tony said smiling at me. "She said okay. And behave yourself" Tony laughed. "Thank you" I said as Tony left the room as he closed the door behind him.

I curled into bed with Val and smiled as she snuggled into my chest. Once we were all snuggled up I fell asleep peacefully. Having her in my arms made me the happiest and I would never let her go.

Vallory Stark ✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum