Saturday Chats

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~Two weeks after Prom~

I was relaxing in my room doing homework when a nock came from my door. "Enter" I said from my sprawled position on my bed. When I saw Peter stick his head in before entering I instantly cleaned up all my work and put it to the side knowing full I would be getting no more work done.

At my jester, Peter crawled onto my bed and under the sheets with me. We curled up together and Peter let out a sigh. Suddenly the depressing feeling I was trying to avoid today by distracting myself with work came back. Peter noticed my mood change.

"Whats wrong?" He asked softly. "Today is the 11 year anniversary of my mothers death" I said. "Pepper took my dad out to cheer him up but I opted to stay home and get some work done to distract me." I finished my explanation. Peter's arms that were around my waist tightened their hold on me.

Peter didn't say anything but I knew he had questions he wanted to ask. I also knew one of those questions would be 'what happen to her'? "I miss her so much. She was the most amazing mother and..." I started crying. Great this was what I was trying to avoid. "You don't have to tell me about it right now if you don't want to" Peter said giving me a sad smile as I buried my face into his chest.

"But I do, I think I need to talk about it otherwise I'm going to be one second from breaking down for the rest of the day" I said trying to compose myself. "It's okay. I'll listen if you want to talk" Peter said making me smile. "She died when I was six. My dad was just starting to design his Iron man suit and these guys came in one night to steel his prototype and shot my mother as she tried to get my father to let the suit go" I started crying a little at the memory.

"I had watched my mother from my hiding spot fall and bleed out as my dad used his suit to get rid of the robbers. Then when he saw my mom he and I heald her together as it was to late. My dad tried in vane to save her but in the end it wasn't enough" I said crying even more.

"It's been so long ago and I've mourned and I'm fine it's just today I remember all the parts of life my mom couldn't be there for and how much I miss her. And I'm still slightly traumatized by how I watched her die." I finished crying even harder and curling more into Peter as he hugged me tighter.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you. I'm sure she would be so proud of all you have become now" Peter said making me calm down slightly and smile through my tears. "I know" I said looking at Peter. "I wish I could have known who my parents were. I never even got to meet them when they died" Peter said looking off in sad thought.

"My parents went missing before being assumed dead, then my uncle Ben was shot dead in front of me and I was powerless to do anuthing. All I have now is his Aunt May." Peter explained at my remorseful look. We shared a moment of quite comforting, just thinking about how we both lost people we loved. We shared a sadness and it was comforting in a way.

"Pete. I know what happened to your parents" I said thinking back to what my dad found out when he did a little background check when he started training for the Avengers. I told Peter exactly that to explain how I knew. Peter looked shocked but also curious.
"Could you tell me please, I don't care how bad it is, I want to know" Peter asked. I nodded before starting my explanation.

"Your parents were Shield spies and were killed by Red Skull in a sabatoged plane accident on their mission to infiltrate his forces when found out. From the time the report of this even was dated I would say you were four at the time." When I finished Peter gave me another tight warm hug. "Thank you for telling me" Peter said looking like I just gave him all the closure he has been needing for the past few years.

"Of course" I said enjoying his warm embrace for a moment longer. "What do you say we get out of here and go do something to celebrate your moms life and stop being all miserable" Peter offered making me smile and nod agreeing with him. Mabey that is what I've been needing.

We decided on a beach day since it was so nice outside and only lunch time. Peter headed back home to get ready and after I had finished getting ready I prepared a picnic for us. When Peter got back I noticed he had the same idea and packed a picnic as well. I laughed guess were eating two picnics now.

"I guess I do get hungry when I'm at the beach so I guess extra food will be a good thing" I joked with Peter motioning to our double picnic baskets. "Are you kidding. This basket is purely for me" Peter said jokingly laughing along with me. Peter grabbed my hand as we started driving. I smiled at him and blushed as he lifted my hand to kiss the back of it.

"I love seeing you blush, it's so cute" Peter admitted making me blush more. When we got to the beach we set all our stuff up. Their was not that many people here so it was peaceful.
Peter picked me up bridal style and ran with me to the water.

We laughed as we flinched to the how cold the water was on our skins. When we were waist deep in the water Peter put me down. Peter got smacked in the face by a wave because he didn't jump over it with me. "If you weren't to biusy admiring me you would have seen me jump over the wave" I laughed at him.

Peter grabbed me from around the waist and lifted me so he was eye level and I wrapped my legs around his waist. "How can I not but help to admire you when you're so breathtakingly beautiful" Peter said lowly close to my ear making my fall silent and blush.

"Peter" I said out breathlessly as we heald eye contact. Before I knew it we were both leaning in and out lips connected. I felt my heart race and my stomach not and my face heat up as our lips moved in sync. And by the feel of Peter's heart from my hand on his chest and the small moan he made as my other hand roamed his hair I think he was enjoying the kiss too.

Another wave came through nocking us over. As we got separated from the kiss the wave nocked us over eachother so when we came back up from the water we were laughing in our same position but both my arms were around his neck. Peter carried me out of the water and back to our picnic spot.

"Peter I'm perfectly capable of walking" I said as he put me down on the towel. "But I don't want to let you go" Peter said placing a kiss on my forehead as he sat down next to me. "I love you" I said meaningfully making my heart race. "I love you too" Peter said back without hesitation looking at me with his beautiful eyes. I felt my stomach flutter. We shared another small kiss before digging into our very abundant picnic.

I don't know how long we were at the beach for. But between swimming, eating, stealing kisses, and snuggling up as we watched the sunset together was by far the best day of my life. We did message our care givers so they wouldn't be worried about us. Peter received a nice hug from my dad when he dropped me back off at home. It was sweet to see how well my two favorite males in my life got along.

But not a moment after I was showered up in my pajamas me and my dad were curled up on the sofa watching movies as he fan girled as I told him all the tea about my day. My dad really is my best friend. And watching him smile and get all excited as I told him about my first kiss made my heart warm.

Hay guys sorry for the very delayed post. U know how life gets. Anyways their is two more chapters left so don't crucify me. How was this tho for a fluffy feelings chapter?

Till next time my lovely loyal readers... 💕💕💕

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