A leap of faith...

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(Greenlands point of view)

I can't believe what just happened to Arctic...

Snowflakes is absolutely devastated about him..

"Snowflakes.." I touched her shoulder, I never seen her so upset. 

She didn't say anything just turned around, and looked at me

"I'm sorry about your brother.." I hugged her, she leaned to me but didn't hug back

"Arctic..." Faroe mumbled as he started to cry a bit 

But Antarctica went totally mute after Arctic melted...

The penguins crowded around her, making sad penguin noises

"It will be okay" I started to rock her a bit 

Even her sobs were quiet...

Faroe helped me make a igloo for Antarctica, hoping it will cheer her up..

It did a bit but..

Not very much..

"Snowflakes, I love you very much, and I may not be your brother, but I love you and I want you to smile okay?" I put my hand on her face, her face just rolled with tears and she hugged me tightly,

"He's gone.. my baby brother is gone.." she finally spoke, I find it funny for anyone to refer Arctic as 'baby' but she's the older sibling of the two

"Woah, Arctic is extremely old, I know we have long life spans but that means you are like.." Faroe looked around trying to guess Antarctica's age "like as old as the earth!"

She just glared at him this made Jimmy bite Faroe's leg, all that happened as I slowly shake my head.

"Not funny Faroe" I deadpanned at him, 

A lot of hours of silence passed as I just waited for her to speak,

It more hours..

And longer


(Time skip!)

"I miss him.." Antarctica finally said "no one can replace my brother.."

"I'll never tr-" Antarctica covered my mouth

"I am not saying you are," she stood up and picked me up with her "I just mean that his departure will leave a hole in my heart that can never be replaced or filled"

"I am sorry for your loss" I set my hand on her shoulder

"Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, JUST KISS ALREADY!" Faore chanted

We didn't it wasn't a good time too.

"Aww.. man.." Faroe wined a bit 

"Shut up" I looked at him dead in the eyes with my one eye.

"Sorry" he backed down and curled up in ball, which I kinda found hilarious.

She slung me over her shoulder and walked off with me and then place me down

"He is getting a seprate igloo" She stated then crossed her arms  

I chuckled a bit, her face faded, probably thinking of her brother...

"Siblings go down together... it 64 degrees here..." Snowflakes scuffled her feet, "I love you and if I disappear.." she started to trail off

"Don't say what I think you are saying!" I put my hands on her shoulders and looked at her pleadingly

"I am going to die soon anyway.." Her shoulders dropped 

"Don't!" I hugged her "don't... please.."

"I just may.." she muttered to me 

"I love you!" I hugged her tighter

"I love you too.." She responded "but there is no hope for me..."

"Please!" I started to shout "I WILL NOT LET YOU!" 

"See you in heaven..." Snowflakes shrugged

I stayed near her the whole time making sure she doesn't try anything

"Psst! Faroe?" I nudged Faroe "Antarctica wishes to make do with herself, keep an eye on her!"

"Oh.. my.. gawd.." Faroe went into complete shock "that's sounds like something you would do! Never Antarctica!"

"Welp.. she is.." I responded

"Wait!" Faroe tapped me quickly "WHERE IS ANTARCTICA?!" 

I started to run around calling for her, Faroe joined me in this

"THERE SHE IS!" Faroe pointed to her standing near a very high up edge a bunch of penguins trying to keep her from jumping

"SNOWFLAKES!" I screamed so loud I think I could never scream like that again, the figure seemed to face me.. "DON'T JUMP!" 

I quickly tried to get up, it wasn't the easiest thing but, it was worth a chance to reason with her 

"Please.. don't do this.." I finally got up very worn out from the climb

"I love you, Greenland," she turned around and waved sadly "see you on the other side.." 

All the penguins who crowded around her leaned to her.

They couldn't save her..

I couldn't save her...

I lost her...

A part of me hopes that she survived or this is just a bad dream or she fell on something that shorten the fall so she survived..

I couldn't bring myself to look over the edge

"Did she jump?" Faroe asked me "cause she hasn't hit the ground yet.."

"What..?" I ran over to the edge



"Where did she go?" I puzzled at Antarctica just disappearing

"Maybe she survived?" Faroe suggested to me

"I.. don't.. know.." I was very perplexed at what is happening 

She just vanished..?




I hope she comes back..

(Antarctica's point of view)


That wasn't part of the plan..

Where the flipper am I?

I know this place inside out but..

I don't know this place..

"Hello?" I called out "am I dead..?" I walked forward

I looked around "is this what death feels like?"

"Arctic? Are you here?" I called out into the nothingness 

Then I slipped,

And slid down a icy path downward

I decided to stay still and just wait to die..

There is no more hope for this world anymore..

Countryhumans Antarctica x Greenland Frozen heartsWhere stories live. Discover now