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"Arctic.." Antarctica collapsed to her knees, melting "I am melting.."

"I know, Sister" Arctic looked at his sister starting to melt,

He was melting too.

"Hey, we are siblings, so, I guess we will die together huh?" Antarctica did a very weak and sad laugh

"I guess so.." Arctic responded as he started to melt too

"I love you, Brother" Antarctica spoke

"I love you too, Sister"  Arctic replied in a monotone 

"Heh, heh" Antarctica slowly laughted "it's funny right?" Antarctica looked at her shorter brother

"What is?" Arctic inquired

"That if we die the world the world suffers greatly, but alot of people don't care much about us," Antarctica smiled weakly "our deaths can destroy the whole world and not many people care about that," she started to melt a bit faster and her face started to crack "heh.. our deaths will take the whole world with us.." she fell over, but Arctic continued to stand even though he was melting a bit faster then her

"Yeah.. I guess so.." Arctic looked down at her as she started to melt a bit more

"Hey, we should look on the bright side, I still have land under all this Ice.. so I wouldn't die completely"

"I don't" Arctic sat next to his sister

"Well.. I'll miss you then.." Antarctica raised her head a bit then passed out

Arctic looked at Antarctica..

She was totally out if it..

Arctic just sat there..

Too broken to shed a tear anymore,

He just sat..

And knew that there was no saving her...

He can't save her...


"Greenland!" Faroe exclaimed as he threw his arms around his cousin "You're melting!"

"Yeah, that means Antarctica probably is too" Greenland responded his face very blank and pale

"We are almost there!" Faroe reassured Greenland "Abbie stay under the deck, until we leave"

"I hope they are not dead yet" Greenland sat down and held his knees leaning against the guard rail

"THERE THEY ARE!" Faroe pointed out to a snowy land mass with two figures on it

Soon as they got there Faroe grabbed Greenland and helped him off 

"You're so heavy!" Faroe exclaimed as he tried to get Greenland, who was melting off the ship

(Meanwhile in North America...)

"Have you seen Greenland?" Denmark asked

"No" America, Canada, Mexico and Cuba said in unison

(Back to the south pole)

"Is Antarctica awake?" Faroe poked Antarctica

"She passed out from heat exhaustion" Arctic responded, still keeping posture and seriousness, even though his face was melting and his arm was dripping on the ground

Greenland managed to get himself up and put Antarctica on his lap,

He hugged her.

She woke up for a few seconds to mumble "I love you.."

Countryhumans Antarctica x Greenland Frozen heartsWhere stories live. Discover now