The Capital

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(Faroe point of view)

So, this is Antarctica? Cool, she is tall, very tall, well I am kind short.. but still.

"Hello and goodbye" an another tall lady said as she closed the door and sound like she locked it

"HEY!" The other lady (who I also don't know the name of) exclaimed as she tugged on the door handle both feet on the door

I wonder how long it will take for her to realize that she should be pushing  the door not pulling it, I stood there for a bit until I decided to say something

"shouldn't you push the door not pull?" I spoke up the lady stop what she was doing and face palmed and gentle nudged the door

"it was not even locked" The turtle neck lady stood in front of the door arms crossed.

"you can say a lot about Russia, but you can't say she doesn't have a sense of humor" Iceland remarked

"can I get introduced to all the girls here please?" I asked since I didn't know any of these girls

"Certainly!" Antarctica piped up, I think she is pretty neat, and I can't wait to see her and Greenland dating

"this is Russia, Ukraine" Antarctica pointed to the two girls "over here is Philippines, Spain, France, Japan, Estonia and New Zealand!"

"Nice to meet another shorty!" New Zealand stuck her hand out to me, so I shook it.

I think we are going to get along, also I noticed Greenland was holding Antarctica's hand too, so that made me excited, well I am a very excitable Countryhuman! 

"OOOOH! THEY ARE HOLDING HANDS SO KAWAII!" Japan exulted jumping up and down

"I don't know what Kawaii means but I guess it means cute?" New Zealand guessed

"Hai, Hai!" Japan nodded (Hai is Japanese for yes)

"Is that a good thing?" Antarctica questioned

But Japan just made a giggling sounds

"Just let her be Japan" I think that's what Greenland whispered to Antarctica

(Greenland's point of view)

Well, at this rate I think the whole world will want me and Snowflakes in a relationship, but.. yes I do have a crush on her but I am not sure she likes me back, and I don't want her to think I am weird,

"want to know something?" Antarctica said to know one in particular

"what?" I responded/asked

"this cabin makes me think of the time that guy I think is name was Robert Scott?" Antarctica tried to remember "anyway, he had some friends and they made a cabin, BUT they left everything behind, even a fruitcake! but I didn't eat it though, because, he likes fruitcake and it was his and I hoped he would come back, then it disappeared! I can't believe he came and didn't say hello!" Antarctica went on about a memory    

"who's going to break it to her that he was dead for 108 years?" France murmured to the rest

"I will" Russia volunteered raising her right arm

"Don't you dare" Arctic looked at Russia with a glare

"I am going to tell her" Russia spoke with a very bland expression

"No, you're not!" Arctic snapped back, (Russia and Arctic are actually friends believe it or not)

"what about we don't  tell her that Robert Scott died from hypothermia on her continent, please?" I said to them in a quiet tone to hopefully, not let Antarctica hear me.

Countryhumans Antarctica x Greenland Frozen heartsWhere stories live. Discover now